4 Jul 2018 in National Assembly:
it comes to security matters. We have the best army, GSU, the police and all other security agencies yet our people are being harassed and their economic gains taken away after a long toil in the day. I rest my case and appeal to the President of the Republic of Kenya to urgently intervene and remove those foreign occupying forces from Migingo Island to Uganda and immediately deploy our forces to protect our people. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
I thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity, and Kudos Hon. Osotsi. This is long overdue. As you know, inactivity is a recipe for chaos in the health and social sectors. Recently, in my constituency, we have been witnessing unprecedented wave of suicide. Young people do not have sports facilities where they can engage themselves. We are also going to enhance talents. Some of the footballers we see running after the ball are millionaires. People like Messi are billionaires. They came from such settings. In Ndhiwa, which is the home of Gor Mahia, we have so many talented young ...
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Ndhiwa is the original home of Gor Mahia. We are trying to come up with a facility to reflect this legend because that is where Gor Mahia, Kogallo, was born and raised. He also died there. That is where the name picked up. So, it will be a good thing for us in Ndhiwa Constituency to have such an academy.
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Economically, this is the origin of developing our people. If we can borrow from those playing at the international level, they have ploughed back to society what they have earned in that arena by building schools and health centres. So, it will be healthy economically. More so, studies have shown that young people worldwide are more disciplined when they are active and playing. These academies will also promote self-esteem, which is very good for health. When you run, you tear muscles, reduce stress and keep diabetes and hypertension at bay. This initiative will provide facilities for everyone to exercise and ...
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
When you are engaged in sports, your self-esteem is enhanced, especially for the young people. That can go as far as improving their academic performance and school attendance is concerned. Ndhiwa is a land of sports, but we do not have sporting facilities. We have so many energetic individuals who even run at night. So, with an academy there, we will have everybody participate during the day and that will be a good thing for us in Ndhiwa. That is on a light note.
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
I want to support this with the enlightenment that it will promote the youth. Having a sports academy in every constituency is a constitutional right of the people. It will enable Kenyans to exercise and promote their talents. May this not only go to the archives but be implemented by the respective committees. I support. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. This is dead on arrival. What is missing here is how much the Government uses to maintain those who are addicted. You will find it is twice that amount. I oppose it. Let us go to the highest taxation. In fact, it could be more deterrent than just encouraging people by lesser taxes.
27 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. How fast do we forget? The CS for National Treasury had the discretion of allowing people to import sugar and here we have a problem already. There is a reason there are only 44 Government valuers because we can hold them to account. We cannot allow and open this wide net so that the 500,000 houses fall on people. It does not matter the profession. What we are saying is that we have seen it and we do not want to see it again. So, I oppose.
26 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. Before you put the Question, let me add my voice to this amendment. I really support this amendment.
26 Jun 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, protect me from Hon. Mbadi. I want to say that in future, the committees which oversee these kinds of establishments should be very sensitive, so that they come in quickly before it gets late. Otherwise, it will offer many jobs to the lake region.