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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 91 to 100 of 827.

  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move - THAT clause 56 of the Bill be amended in – (a) subclause (1) by deleting the word ‘may’ appearing immediately after the words ‘The Cabinet Secretary’ and inserting therefore the words ‘shall, in consultation with the Council of County Governors,’ (b) subclause (2) by deleting the word ‘may’, appearing immediately after the words “the Cabinet Secretary” and inserting therefor the words “shall, in consultation with the Council of County Governors,”. (c)subclause (2) by inserting the following new paragraph immediately after paragraph (a)— (aa) the technological systems to be used in the ... view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, besides what the Senator for Nairobi has said on being the principal advisor, in the rank of valuers, the Chief Government Valuer would be at the pinnacle. view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: I want us to look at the hierarchy of most of the positions that we have. When the Senate Majority Whip speaks of a judge, then in this case, the Chief Government Valuer will occupy almost the same position as that of the Chief Justice because he will be the topmost in terms of the ranking. If you put 15 years, this will be a person that will have grown in the ranks of land valuation to the highest level. view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: There is a second thing that Sen. Sifuna has not mentioned. All the valuation rolls that will be prepared by all the county governments will have to get a nod from the Chief Government Valuer. Therefore, this is a person who will be at the level of the Auditor- General or the Chief Justice. I agree then that 15 years is requisite experience for a person to occupy that high position of a Chief Government Valuer. view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move- THAT the Bill be amended by inserting the following new Clause immediately after clause 30— Supplementary view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT Clause 2 of the Bill be amended by deleting – (a) the definition of the term ‘occupier’ and inserting therefor the following new definition— “occupier” means, in relation to rateable property, a person who is in physical possession of premises, or a person who has control over the premises, where the rateable owner is unknown; (b) the definition of the term ‘valuation roll’ and inserting therefor the following new definition— “valuation roll” means a roll prepared in accordance with this Act; view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the National Rating Bill (National Assembly Bill No.55 of 2022) and its approval thereof with amendments. view
  • 9 May 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. I have been struggling to check the time. Yesterday we had an issue with the various clocks in the House. They were reading different scripts and it was raised as a point of order and directions were given by the Chair then that the clock on my left, right and the one directly against the Chair should be in sync. Madam Temporary Speaker, I believe there must have been a missing link in terms of administration. Indeed, that is what misguided Sen. Mungatana as he was struggling to check on the time. However, with that ... view
  • 8 May 2024 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. view
  • 8 May 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, it would not have been my wish to stop the trail of thought of my leader, Sen. Wambua. However, I am a bit confused with the way these two clocks are working. On this clock, it is 6.12 p.m. and on the other, it is 6.13 p.m. I do not know which one the House is using at the moment. Therefore, I do not know which side of the hemsphere this Senate is operating from. I want some clarification so that we can time ourselves properly. view


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