Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 51 to 60 of 827.

  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: Report of the Auditor-General on the County Government's Revenue Funds for the 2022/2023 Financial Year and the Summary Report of the Auditor-General on the County Government's Revenue Fund for the 2022/2023 Financial Year. view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, Sir for this opportunity to contribute to this Motion. I am happy and thank my colleagues who have spoken. I congratulate the leadership of the House, both the Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Minority Leader for allowing us to talk. I have been watching the proceedings for the last three days. I am happy that we are now speaking from our hearts. This will enable us to dissect and look at the issues raised by not only the Gen Zs, but also the people of Kenya. I start by condoling with the families ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: Many people say that the tree of freedom is watered by blood. However, we do not have to take it literally that people have to die and go to hospitals, so that some of the issues that they are raising are heard. So, I wish a quick recovery for those in the hospital. As a House, we have heard your voices. I have heard many people, including some of my colleagues here, saying that, you know, when we were Gen Zs, this is what we used to do. However, it is fair to set records straight that Gen Z is ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: we can be lectured, then people who cannot lecture us shall be the EACC. They have no moral standing to speak to this House or any person of this Republic of Kenya. It is high time that we looked at the people that have been heading this particular body. With tremendous respect, we have tried advocates. We had Justice Ringera. We have tried the professors such as Prof. Lumumba. We have tried bishops from the mainstream churches and the pentecostal churches. It is high time now that we tried a person of the stature of Sen. Omtatah to lead the ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: throw jabs at anybody. We are just telling you the truth. You are a weak link. You have all the evidence. Mr. Speaker, Sir, had the people of Kenya not made noise against the former Governor of Migori, Okoth Obado, he was almost walking free. Just because he has returned little things here, now the office of the DPP says that we have now built consensus, just go in peace and never steal again. If we cannot have an honest conversation with the DPP, then we will have lost. There are many other independent offices and many people have spoken ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: eight of them? What have you done to your people that you require to be protected with guns? Mr. Speaker, Sir, when you were campaigning, you were the one who campaigned. When you get elected, you require eight bodyguards to protect you. What you are they protecting? What is this that you have taken from your people and now you do not want them to access you? I see people walk into funerals where a whole tent is occupied by you, your bodyguards, aides, communication officers and advisors. On this issue of advisors, I am happy that the President has ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: people of Kenya can have access to free education. When the idea of bursaries was born and the first cohort went out, the one that had the late, hon. Tom Mboya, bursaries were not meant for the brilliant or anyone else. They were meant for the needy. Mr. Speaker, Sir, you do not need to be brilliant to be needy. You only need to be needy for you to access education. The only way to access - and I feel good--- I daresay in this House that I am the one who is closest in terms of age to the ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. This Committee went round this country because fake fertilizer had been sold to our farmers. view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: The Committee has gone round, they invite people here, we even saw them testing that fertilizer here, but two months later, they cannot even tell us who sold the fake fertilizer to the people of Kenya. What are we doing to our people and yet we call ourselves the people tasked with the responsibility of playing oversight? Why does it have to take two months for you to tell us that it is such and such Cabinet Secretary that sold fake fertilizer to the people of Kenya? Why is it difficult? I daresay this to my dear President and whom ... view
  • 9 Jul 2024 in Senate: He has the opportunity now to weed out every incompetent Principal Secretary. He has that opportunity right now. I am hopeful because I hear that there was a Cabinet meeting last Thursday. I hope that some people took nice photos there because they may never go back there since they are incompetent and cannot deliver. They are just pulling back our President. Mr. Speaker, Sir, since the people of Kenya have given the President that open cheque, it is time to crack the whip and allow them to go and attend to other matters, so that we can get other ... view


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