Moses Masika Wetangula

Parties & Coalitions


13th September 1956


Employment History:
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya -
Wetangula & Co. Advocates of Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya





@wetangulam on Twitter

Moses Masika Wetangula

Speaker of the National Assembly in the 13th Parliament.

He was the Bungoma Senator (2013 - 2022; Leader of Minority in the Senate (2013 - 2017)

By virtue of his position as co-principal in NASA he was retained as Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament but later replaced by his Siaya counterpart after 19 senators who attended Nasa's Parliamentary Group meeting at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi unanimously voted to replace him with Senator James Orengo on 15th March, 2018.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 5431 to 5440 of 6535.

  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, if you look at the HANSARD, there is definitely something that the Chair skipped. I was following the debate. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to second the Motion as moved by Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki. This is a critical Committee that will be able to determine and arrange the business of the House. Being the first sitting, it is important that we allow, after approval of this Committee, the Committee to quickly formulate the timetable for work and the kind of work that we need to do. In so doing, I want to congratulate all my colleagues on their election or nomination and I hope that we are going to approach most of our business in a bi-partisan manner so ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I beg to second. Again, this is a Procedural Motion. From time to time, hon. Senators will be debating Motions of Adjournment to sit on a day other than the next sitting day when we are taking breaks such as for two or three weeks. When such a Motion is moved, normally, rules of relevance are kept aside and an hon. Senator can say anything and everything provided the hon. Senator is within the context of decorum in the House. This is the tradition in similar jurisdictions. Normally such Motions take two hours. Within two ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to second. Mr. Speaker, Sir, the debate on the Presidential Speech is founded in our Standing Orders and traditions in the House. In fact, in the Lower House, we used to allocate time of ten minutes per hon. Member. I think that this is now informed by the fact that all Senators are senior and experienced, with a lot of things to say about the content of the Speech, hence the allocation of 15 minutes per Member. Being a reasonably sized House as we are, I think that the three days allocated will afford each ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, a reading of Standing Order No.24 (6) clearly indicates that even as Sen. Wako appeared to have spotted the contradiction apparent in the Motion, if he had reconciled it with the Standing Orders, he would not have seen it as a contradiction. There will be a time like one colleague said when the President will have minority in the Senate. So, we cannot talk of the Senate Majority Leader moving a Motion on the Presidential Address. Indeed, if there were no gymnastics played, we would be commanding the majority in this Senate. But that is left for ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, my learned junior who is the Senate Majority Leader and whom I have a lot of regard for--- I did not allude; I stated and I can state again. But I said we should leave it to historians to write. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, in my community, we have a little story that a hyena was chasing an antelope and the antelope outsprinted the hyena because the hyena limps and cannot run fast. Then the antelope went past a huge rock and disappeared. When the hyena arrived at the rock, it asked the rock: “Have you seen an antelope pass here?’ The rock did not answer. The hyena asked twice, but the rock did not answer. Then the hyena turned to the rock and said: “Even if you do not answer me, you have heard me”. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to encourage Sen. Wako to withdraw his amendment because it goes against the very spirit of the Standing Orders so that my learned friend the Senate Majority Leader can opt to nominate a Member from his side to move the Motion, then he will be left to utilize the allocated 30 minutes to him in the course of the debate, to utilize in articulating whatever issues will be on the Floor. So, my learned senior counsel, if you read Standing Order No.24(6) as framed, it clearly envisages a situation where the Mover is not necessarily ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, you may recall my learned friend saying that the word “gymnastics” was not suitable here, but I am happy that he has accepted that it is appropriate. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to second. This emanates from the Rules and Business Committee that took cognizance of the fact that as Senators, you have a critical role and link with the county assemblies. We, as Senators, have to continue engagement with them and tomorrow is a very critical day for the county assemblies, where all the assemblies are being launched as it were or officially opened. We have ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Just for the record, I want to remind my good friend, Sen. Haji, that I am the Senate Minority Leader and not the Deputy Leader. view


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