All parliamentary appearances
Entries 1261 to 1270 of 1513.
6 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have given figures for all the divisions and they are all tabulated. I wish it was possible---
6 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, the hon. Member should listen to this. I wish it was possible for all the people in Turkana to be given food, 100 per cent, but it is not possible because of the limited resources that we have. We also must stretch them to the whole country.
6 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir,
6 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, sometimes, it is really difficult to know what hon. Members want. One day, they say that the lead agencies are doing a very good job. So, we decided to put all the food through that channel. Then, the following day, they change their mind and say that the food should go through the DCs. So, we are a bit confused. But through your district steering groups, you can still make a decision that when the food--- We have two types of food which come to the district level; one is the emergency operation program and ...
6 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, even the figure of 1999 included 97,114 refugees. If you subtract that, you will realise that the figure is far much less than the 450,000 refugees. All the same, the refugees are fed through a different programme and not the EMOP programme. I would like the hon. Member not to inflate the number of the indigenous people by force.
5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Asante sana, Bw. Naibu Spika wa Muda. Kwanza ningependa kutoa shukrani zangu kwa Waziri, dada yangu, Bi. Charity Ngilu kwa kunipa nafasi hii.
5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Bw. Naibu Spika wa Muda, maji ni uhai. Bila maji hakuna uhai. Afya njema hutegemea maji. Chakula cha kutosha hutegemea maji. Kuna jambo moja ambalo ningependa Waziri kulizingatia sana. Maji yakiwa yanatokea eneo fulani, kwa mfano,
5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Ahsante sana, Mhe. Naibu Spika wa Muda, kwa kunipatia nafasi hii niweze kuzungumzia juu ya mazingira na haswa kumuunga mkono Waziri anayesimamia maswala haya ya mazingira. Mazingira mazuri ndio uti wa mgongo. Bila mazingira mazuri, hauwezi kupata hayo mambo mengine yote kama vile maswala ya maji na afya tunayoyazungumzia. Yote haya yanategemea mazingira mazuri. Jambo la kusikitisha ni kwamba hela ambayo Waziri amepewa afanyie kazi ni tone la maji kwenye bahari Hindi. Ninasema hivi kwa sababu matatizo ya mazingira ndio yametuweka katika hali tuliyo nayo hivi leo. Hatuna chakula kwa sababu tumeharibu mazingira yetu. Ningependa kumukumbusha Waziri na pia kumpongeza ...
5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Bi Naibu Spika wa Muda, sisi Wakenya tunakata kuwachia Serikali jukumu la kusafisha mazingira yetu. Jukumu hili sio la Waziri peke yake na wafanyakazi wake na Serikali. Ni jukumu la wananchi wote wa Kenya. Ni lazima tuwe na makusudio ya kuwa na mazingira mazuri.
5 Aug 2009 in National Assembly:
Vile vile, ningependa kuzungumzia juu ya swala la madini nchini. Madina haya ni rasilimali ambayo Mwenyezi Mungu ametupatia nchini Kenya. Madini haya yanatakikana kuweza kusaidia wenyeji wa maeneo hayo na Serikali kwa ujumla. Jambo la kusikitisha ni kuwa tumeona mara kwa mara watu wakitajirika na madini hayo.