Onesmus Muthomi Njuki

Parties & Coalitions






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 21 to 30 of 588.

  • 14 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 1 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to support these two petitions. On the issue of police reservists, I am wondering whether we really need them especially at this time when we are recruiting 10,000 police officers. Those are hit squads! Cases of police reservists killing innocent Kenyans have been there for many years. I do not The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 1 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: know when we will learn our lesson. It is high time we did away with police reservists. That way, Kenyans will know whether it is an Administration Police officer or a regular police officer who has killed a person and not police reservists who are unregulated. On the issue of taxis, in the line of entrepreneurship, there is a concept by a man called Joseph Schumpeter who came up with a theory called Creative Destruction where a new technology usually replaces an old technology and totally crashes it out for those people who are not willing to change. Electronic taxis ... view
  • 1 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: I was coming to that. I just thought it would be good to say the truth that new technology is definitely going to crash out the old one as much as we may want to think that those electronic taxis are not well registered. As much as I support the Petition to regularise these two types of operators, there is need to upgrade the taxi operators. They can use a very simple concept like having a metre in the taxi whereby if I enter your taxi, we do not have to negotiate how much you will charge me, say to ... view
  • 1 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: I want to support the Petition and say as the Committee looks at this--- view
  • 1 Feb 2017 in National Assembly: I support the Petition. The Committee should advise taxi operators to upgrade, so that we can also have less hustle in trying to standardise them with the law. view
  • 31 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to support this Petition by Hon. Sara Korere. It is from the Petitioners in Laikipia County. It is very unfortunate to see taxpayers’ money going to waste through either unsupervised work or supervised work whose quality is not ascertained and guaranteed to be commensurate with the money that is spent by the taxpayers. I say this because when a road is done and it does not have a lifespan in terms of warranty and taxpayers have to spend money several years later, it is a waste of resources. We passed ... view
  • 31 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: the national Government and the county government. When that consultant was given the work, I expected him to consult widely with the leadership and even the users of the road so that after that draft is brought back to Parliament, we can okay it. I do not remember that happening. That is why if you go to the county today, you will find very busy roads that have been put under the county while other roads that hardly have any traffic have been put under the national Government. This, therefore, means it is not possible for KERRA, KURA and even ... view
  • 31 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker for the opportunity to second this Motion. I would like to inform my brother that I am the Member of Parliament for Chuka/Igambang’ombe otherwise he will leave out a whole community and I will be sacked earlier. I want to support this Bill by the Government. Someone said one time and I want to reiterate it and this could be true, that the third world war will not be about gold, silver and power; it may be about water scarcity. That is why nowadays we hear people fighting over The electronic version of the Official ... view
  • 31 Jan 2017 in National Assembly: pasture for their cattle and wildlife. It is all about water. If water is available, the other resources will always be there. This is a very unique Bill because it seeks to provide information that has not been there. Water resource management will be easier and more or less regulated if we have a Bill that will regulate research and hydrologists that we rarely hear about. The few times we come across the activities of hydrologists are when we have crises. Last year, when we had the issue of the water tunnel for the Ndakaini Dam is when we saw ... view


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