29 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
where we have children who have nothing to show if they fail to sit for exams because of lack of fees. Children have repeated classes in this country because of lack of fees. I hail the Jubilee Manifesto that has promised provision of free primary and secondary education. It will not be in order and doing any good if we pay for the tuition fees and other things that are required in providing education and then we fail to pay examination fees. The effect of withholding certificates that has been discussed here is not only making young people unable to ...
22 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker for giving me the opportunity to support this Bill. Procreation is a biological process that occurs when an egg and a sperm get fertilized. Where it takes place is actually the bone of contention in this particular case. This is because in-vitro fertilization takes place outside the body of an animal. I am of the opinion that, and it is a fact, where the foetus grows does not change the genetic make- up, thus the role of the parents who actually bore the child. It is morally wrong in this time and age, and especially with ...
22 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker for giving me the opportunity to support this Bill. Procreation is a biological process that occurs when an egg and a sperm get fertilized. Where it takes place is actually the bone of contention in this particular case. This is because in-vitro fertilization takes place outside the body of an animal. I am of the opinion that, and it is a fact, where the foetus grows does not change the genetic make- up, thus the role of the parents who actually bore the child. It is morally wrong in this time and age, and especially with ...
22 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
When we are making law, the legal framework should include proper agreements, so that we do not have cases of people back-tracking. These agreements should have time frames. Under normal circumstances we do not have any abnormality because we know the stages of growth of a child. We should actually show at what point in time the surrogate mother should surrender the baby. From the word go, the rules of engagement must be known. What would be the roles of the natural mother? At what point do they come in? What would be the role even in terms of taking ...
22 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
When we are making law, the legal framework should include proper agreements, so that we do not have cases of people back-tracking. These agreements should have time frames. Under normal circumstances we do not have any abnormality because we know the stages of growth of a child. We should actually show at what point in time the surrogate mother should surrender the baby. From the word go, the rules of engagement must be known. What would be the roles of the natural mother? At what point do they come in? What would be the role even in terms of taking ...
14 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. Pursuant to Standing Order No. 220(b), I wish to present a public petition by the residents of Chuka/ Igambang’ombe Constituency on the erection of bumps and footbridge at Kangoro bus stop on Embu- Meru Highway. I, the undersigned on behalf of residents of Chuka/Igambang’ombe Constituency, draw the attention of the House on the following:- THAT, the road transportation is the most popular mode of transport in Kenya and has immensely contributed to the economic development in both rural and urban centers
1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I was being terrorized because hon. Linturi is my friend. I want to confirm that I was not among the ones who got the money. Thanks for the opportunity to note the Speech of the President. For the first time in so many years since I came to Parliament, I honestly felt and enjoyed what the President noted in the Speech because he was not here to reiterate, he was not here to drum up support for Jubilee, he was here to give it to the nation the way it is. I note with a ...
1 Apr 2015 in National Assembly:
I note, as I finish that fish normally rots from the head. If we do not fix the problem at the EACC, we are not going to have confidence in those who are named. With those few remarks, I note.
25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity to contribute to this Motion. I would like, first and foremost, to thank hon. Kigo Njenga for bringing this Motion. I do not want to say alcohol is bad. However, it is one of the causes of misery in this country when its consumption is not controlled, especially when it gets in the wrong hands. This Motion is about control to ensure that the quality that is intended by the producer or manufacturer gets to the people who partake of alcohol and that alcohol does not end up with the wrong age ...
25 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
bottle cannot be differentiated. It would pass for the right drink. This is what this Motion is trying to control. The number of bottles that find their way into our houses is big. There are some homes today that have a room that is set aside for storing empty beer and alcoholic drinks bottles. These bottles can be repackaged and definitely most of the imported drink bottles do not find their way back to where they came from. Therefore, if there has been repackaging, it happens and it takes place right here. Since those people do not have any repackaging ...