Onesmus Muthomi Njuki

Parties & Coalitions






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 431 to 440 of 588.

  • 28 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: staff from a Ministry to come and read here, sometimes, when you are asked to clarify some points, you can only just give an answer and hope that the Members will be satisfied. By doing this, it gives an opportunity for us to get first-hand information and real answers from the Cabinet Secretaries. However, the Committee that will be sitting on Tuesday morning, that is an extra sitting by Parliament. Of course, it is a sitting that will attract sitting allowance that the Parliamentary Service Commission will have to pay extra money as sitting allowances. However, in my opinion I ... view
  • 27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, first of all, I would like to thank the Member for Changamwe for coming to the rescue of the residents of Changamwe. The Technical, Industrial, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TIVET), or the technical training institutes that are going to alleviate the problem that we have at the moment--- We are suffering from education programmes that are not prepared to deal with the technicalities that exist in dealing with the recent technology that has come to help build Kenya. As my friend has said, the face that we have between the round-about and the Moi International Airport is not ... view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Speaker. I know it is your prerogative to give an opportunity for someone to speak. I am kindly asking you to invoke the Standing Order No.1 to allow me to ventilate on an issue that has become very hot at the moment. Article 43(1)(a) of the Constitution states that:- “(1) Every person has the right— ( a ) to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including reproductive health care”. view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Allow me to say that on Monday, this week, I visited a patient in a district hospital in my constituency. The male ward where people are admitted to receive treatment was infested with flies and lice, what we call in Kiswahili c hawa, to the extent that they had to use maize combs to scratch themselves. Two to three patients shared a bed. On the same day, there was a cry in Mombasa County concerning the issue of healthcare and the threat by the medical personnel to go on strike. At the moment, the state of healthcare is pathetic. If ... view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I was talking about the state of healthcare in the health facilities in the counties. I have already given my experience of how I visited a male ward in a hospital in my constituency, which was infested with flies and lice, what we call chawa in Kiswahili. view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: A hospital is a place where we are supposed to go when we are sick. It is not a prison. But our hospitals are worse than prisons. Under the Fourth Schedule, we devolved the health services and governors have an excuse that we have not released money, which we did yesterday. The services in these facilities are not for free. They collect money from the patients. We cannot miss some little money that hospitals collect to give basic support to the patients as they wait for the money from the national Government. We seriously need to decide whether these health ... view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: high rate. We need to seriously decide what we can do to ensure that this function is returned to the national Government by all means possible. view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I would like to seek clarification from the Chairman. The problem of this cash transfer programme is not the money not being enough; it is the act of getting that money to the right people that is a problem. I do not know about the other constituencies, but in my constituency, when we did an audit, 13 people were rising from the graves and collecting money and I do not know for how many years. That had not been detected by the system. When you ask the Social Services officials, they say that they did not have ... view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Just for clarity, my constituency is called Chuka/Igambang’ombe Constituency; a very beautiful name. I should let you know the meaning of the name “Igambang’ombe”. It is very nice. view
  • 20 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I want to note with a lot of appreciation that before 2008, the motorbikes used to be a preserve of the rich, the NGOs, the Government or companies that could afford them. That is because, at that time, they were very expensive. Until the Government of President Kibaki removed the duty or actually waived duty of importing motorbikes; there was then an influx of motorbikes into this country. Of course, it also came with delusion in quality because that is when we started having motorbikes from China, India and all other places. view


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