Onesmus Muthomi Njuki

Parties & Coalitions






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 411 to 420 of 588.

  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I want to support my good friend, hon. Abdikadir, on the issue of hard labor. This is colonial mentality that a person who was imprisoned had to be given hard labour like a form of punishment. Today, there are other ways that you can rectify the behavior of a person without necessarily having them do hard labour that involves physical strength. In equal strength, we should scrap it and treat it as colonial in this particular case. view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you. I appreciate your effort to pronounce the name of my constituency rightly. It is actually very easy. It is Igambang’ombe. It is just like ng’ombe which means a cow in Kiswahili. I want to put my voice to this particular Bill because the issue of environment is one that touches on almost every living thing and even non-living things that are there in the world. This is because when you talk about environment, most people think we are talking about fauna and flora, which is basically plant and animals. However, the environment touches on many other things that ... view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, the Bill that was passed in 1999 is not in tandem with the Constitution that we passed in 2010. In the four years that the Constitution has been in operation, there has been a lot of confusion in the counties, the constituencies up to the village-level on issues to do with the environment. This Bill is, therefore, going to restore order in the sector so that we can run our businesses as usual, without having so many prolonged cases. At the moment, we have so many cases in court relating to environmental matters simply because we ... view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: What is currently operational is the District Environment Committees. That is in conflict with what the county governments have put in place. The head of that Committee is the Deputy County Commissioner. On the other hand, the Sub-County Environment Committees, which are in charge of environmental matters in the county, are not members of the District Environment Committees. Therefore, it looks like the District Environment Committee is undermining the county governments. The passage of this Bill will put things in order and solve all those problems. view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, looking at what is happening in our country, in terms of conservation efforts; there is demand for products that are environment-related, especially wood products. The authority responsible for issuance of licences in such operations is the county government. On the other hand, the same county government does not have representation in the District Environment Committee. That is where the paradox is. Areas that do not have forest cover close to what is recommended for the nation, especially the arid areas; are being invaded with activities that deplete the environment further because of poverty. We are looking ... view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, what is proposed in the Second Schedule is very positive. The mwananchi is currently disadvantaged due to inaccessibility of information. People do not know what is supposed to be addressed by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). What are you supposed to seek a NEMA licence for? Some people may not be aware that as they change the use of their premises, they are required to carry out an environmental impact assessment. Some people may not even know that when they undertake irrigation activities, the canals that they dig in their The electronic version of the ... view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: farms are subjects of an environment impact assessment. Therefore, this Bill goes a long way to shed light into what is required for one to receive an environment impact assessment clearance from NEMA, so that we can move in tandem with the conservation laws that have been put in place. view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Even as the Bill proposes to form the county environment committee, some of the counties are very expansive. Some of them have very diverse climatic conditions. You may find a county that has a sub-county with full forest cover and another sub-county that may be almost a desert. The county environment committee alone may not address the issues that affect particular sub-counties, especially if they do not have adequate representation in those areas. Therefore, we will be seeking to introduce amendments to provide the counties with the option of retaining the Sub-County Environment Committees, so that we can be able ... view
  • 20 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I support the Bill. view
  • 19 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity to pass my condolences for and on behalf of my people of Chuka/Igambangombe Constituency. I would like to pass my most sincere condolences to the family, the people of Homa Bay and Mbita. I would also like to convey my condolences to hon. T. J. Kajwang’, who is our colleague in the House. My first assignment out of this country when I came to Parliament was to Korea to represent the Energy Committee where we were supposed to visit nuclear power stations and assess nuclear energy as it was meant to ... view


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