Onesmus Muthomi Njuki

Parties & Coalitions






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 391 to 400 of 588.

  • 10 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. On behalf of myself and the people of Chuka/Igambang'ombe Constituency, I would like to take this opportunity to send my most sincere condolences to the families of hon. Muchai, the families of the two bodyguards and the family of the driver who lost their lives in that incident. Last week on Tuesday, we took the same flight to Mombasa with hon. Muchai and he actually bought me a cup of tea with hon. Mwiru at the lounge. It is unfortunate that such a man in such high spirits; a man who was social and very active ... view
  • 10 Feb 2015 in National Assembly: When you look at the circumstances under which the man died, he had already complained to the authorities about his life being in danger. I believe that is why, unlike the other hon. Members, he had two bodyguards. That means there was knowledge that the man’s life was in danger. I think when the time comes, as much as we want to pray that we can be safe--- That is because even the bodyguards cannot really make us safe. It is important that even as God helps us, we also try to help ourselves because we cannot pray to God ... view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this Bill. This House has a mandate. As elected Members of Parliament, and as lawmakers, we have a mandate to rise to the occasion if and when we are needed. At a time like this we need to show our value to the members of the community, our voters who elected us, because they are in need of good security in this country. I will support this Bill with very good intentions and reasons. For the last few years, the security of this county has been wanting and ... view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: and at the same time businesses will not be closed; as country, we do not have to lose property, or get our businesses affected. On the issue of the rogue officers, we know that Kenyans are enterprising, and they include those in the forces. We know at the moment the business that goes on in the better part of north eastern, where we have charcoal that is normally delivered from north eastern to Kismayu. We have lorries that carry sugar from Kismayu and find their way to north eastern. view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: seconded. view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: seconded. view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: seconded. view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: seconded. view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for allowing me to add my voice to this Bill. The Law Society of Kenya takes care of the people who take care of the laws that we make in this country. Ensuring that their operations and Society is well structured to deal with their issues is a good thing. If we do so, we can actually have people who are level headed to apply justice in our laws and in the courts because they represent our people. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of ... view
  • 11 Dec 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for allowing me to add my voice to this Bill. The Law Society of Kenya takes care of the people who take care of the laws that we make in this country. Ensuring that their operations and Society is well structured to deal with their issues is a good thing. If we do so, we can actually have people who are level headed to apply justice in our laws and in the courts because they represent our people. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of ... view


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