Onesmus Muthomi Njuki

Parties & Coalitions






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 461 to 470 of 588.

  • 12 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: The liquidator disposed of parts of the society’s properties and collected rent from the estates of the society but did not settle the society’s liabilities. After prolonged complaints from the society, the Commissioner of Co-operatives in 2012 appointed a co-operative officer from the Ministry to replace the first liquidator. The second liquidator was to serve for one year, but after the expiry of the period the officer was regazetted even though the society’s liquidation committee was opposed to the appointment. After reappointment, the liquidator opened a bank account as the sole signatory and began operations, including invitation of bids for ... view
  • 12 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: ( Hon. Njuki laid the document on the Table) view
  • 12 Aug 2014 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Speaker. Given the importance of this matter to most Members, will I be in order to suggest that we reduce the contribution time to five minutes instead of ten minutes, so that most Members can contribute? The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this very important Motion. I want to support this Motion from the outset. The regulation that stipulates how the elections of the CDFC should be done has caused a lot of anxiety. I remember when we were doing the elections there were some parts of this country where people who wanted to be elected as CDFC members took it like a campaign. I remember in one place, posters were printed. They created a campaign mode because of the length of time given for them to prepare themselves for ... view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: have clocking time at the office to keep track of reporting time. It is not a must that they have to come in everyday at a particular time, but the workload tells a lot. It is clear evidence that these people have a lot of free time on their hands which they use to do their private businesses and because of that reason, there are Members of Parliament who are receiving the second tranche of money that was meant for the previous financial year. The fund managers are lagging behind and there is nothing you can do to supervise them ... view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: On the budget ceiling for the CDF, I support that we should increase this fund to be above Kshs100 million. This is because this is one fund that has been felt by the community. This is the only fund that you cannot walk around with a cheque book and spend it from your pocket. view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: In this dispensation, we have seen devolved money in the county government being wasted without regard to the law. There have been instances in this country where a governor contributed Kshs1 million from the kitty of the county government to cater for a funeral. I can guarantee you that there has never been a situation where Members of Parliament have used money for the CDF because it has clear guidelines on how it is supposed to be utilized. That is on matters that are for the welfare of the people that is outside the mandate that is stipulated by the ... view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: We know that the county governments by all means possible would like to bog down what is being done by the CDF. We have seen areas where the projects that are being funded by the CDF are also being duplicated in theory by the country government. You will find the same projects in their budget but when it comes to implementation, they just look where this has been implemented by the CDF and then pass them to be their projects. This is very common with roads, bridges and other related structures. So, it is important that we keep on increasing ... view
  • 15 Jul 2014 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I would like to support this Motion. view


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