Onesmus Muthomi Njuki

Parties & Coalitions






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 501 to 510 of 588.

  • 25 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Previously, they used to grow tea on large parcels of land. This has now reduced to a level where they plant tea on even a quarter or half of an acre. If you couple that with diminishing returns, the fact that tea cannot be intercropped with anything else, this leaves tea farmers in a very precarious situation because tea is the only crop they depend on. It is high time we saved farmers from this situation. What worries me is the fact that tea consumption in the world is not reducing. How comes that the investments that have been put ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker, for not only according me the opportunity and the privilege to use the Dispatch Box because I lost my card to thugs. From the outset, I want to thank the committee that came up with this Bill because it actually touches all the families and communities. I want to start by noting with appreciation that marriage has been defined in the Bill as a voluntary union of a man and a woman, either in a polygamous or a monogamous marriage. There are some areas and communities where we have had serious problems of forced marriages ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: appearance of the young ones. Sometimes they see big bodies and the capability to give birth and want to get married to those girls very fast. I am happy that this Bill makes this a crime. Those people who have been going for very young children will actually be put into check. Hon. Deputy Speaker, in biology, there is what is called pedigree. That is normally brought about by in-breeding or inter-breeding. When people belonging to the same line of genealogy or genes inter-marry, we normally have a problem of getting low pedigree or, in other words, we get people ... view
  • 20 Feb 2014 in National Assembly: dissolution of marriage then it should be clearly proven through DNA tests so that we do not have issues. I support the Bill. view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, this morning, I am happy and smiling man. First and foremost, I want to very sincerely thank the Chair of the Committee and commend him even for higher positions. I requested for this Statement on 17th October, 2013, about one and a half months ago and the Chairman tells me that it has taken that long because he had got a very unsatisfactory answer from the Ministry, which he found to be noncommittal and did not make any sense. Using his experience as a former Minister for Roads, he pushed the officers and today, we ... view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: I want to be thankful and say that half bread is better than no bread at all. This Kshs150 million coincides with the President’s visit this Friday. The President will be visiting Chuka Town and I hope that the Ministry will consider giving us the balance of the money so that we can have a tarmacked road in the next few months. With those few words, I thank the Chairman once more and hope that the rest of the money will be on the way. view
  • 4 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Disclaimer :The electronic version of the view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir. It is good for you to have realized that those of us who come from areas neighbouring wildlife conservancy are a bit agitated about the whole thing. But we know that sometimes our people can be a bit funny. We know they would like to get money from the Government without really working for it. Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, if you look at that proviso, it makes the whole issue of compensation null and void. When you put a big clause like “reasonable measures”, the Government will use all the means possible to ... view
  • 3 Dec 2013 in National Assembly: home. It does not matter what pieces of wood you use, the elephant will get there! It should really be a word that can be measureable, but not reasonable. view
  • 28 Nov 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, let me first and foremost thank the Chairperson of the Committee for having at least achieved one very important aim of ensuring that the logging is suspended and of course getting the Statement. From the outset, I want to note some anomalies in this Report because I have tangible evidence from the licence that I was given. The acreage in question is not what is indicated here. In actual fact, it is 15.72 hectares. Hon. Speaker, from my knowledge in Botany and Zoology, it is not possible to plant small seedlings in between tall trees in the forest. ... view


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