Owen Yaa Baya

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 81 to 90 of 714.

  • 8 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, the Leader of the Minority Party spoke about it on that day when I raised the Statement, and he is here. He said that the Statement qualifies to go to Standing Order No. 218 but, probably, he did not catch your eye. view
  • 8 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: It is okay, Hon. Speaker. I can wait. However, I hope that when we come back from recess, they will be able to come back and do the same thing so that we can expedite this matter. view
  • 7 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: It is very important. I want to clarify something. view
  • 7 Jul 2021 in National Assembly: He is confusing the County Secretary and the Secretary to the Public Service Board. view
  • 30 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you. We will also invite you, Hon. Speaker. The closure of entertainment places and the way our artists are treated have made them beggars. Where I come from, we have Watamu Town, which is an entertainment town. It is completely dead today. Tourists are not there. The bars are closed. Local tourists who go to that town are not there. The Leader of the Majority Party remembers Mtwapa Town, but my focus is on Watamu Town. view
  • 30 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: The Kshs100 million was supposed to be given to the artists. I remember a team from the President’s Office came to my town and talked about Kshs100 million. The leader of the team was Mr. Big Ted. They stayed there and talked to the young people. They left without giving them even a shilling and yet they had said they had brought Kshs100 million. It created a lot of excitement in the town. The artists were there. They planned to go and perform to get the money. However, they were not given the money. When I called the guys, they ... view
  • 30 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you. We will also invite you, Hon. Speaker. The closure of entertainment places and the way our artists are treated have made them beggars. view
  • 30 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: Where I come from, we have Watamu Town, which is an entertainment town. It is completely dead today. Tourists are not there. The bars are closed. Local tourists who go to that town are not there. The Leader of the Majority Party remembers Mtwapa Town, but my focus is on Watamu Town. view
  • 30 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: The Kshs100 million was supposed to be given to the artists. I remember a team from the President’s Office came to my town and talked about Kshs100 million. The leader of the team was Mr. Big Ted. They stayed there and talked to the young people. They left without giving them even a shilling and yet they had said they had brought Kshs100 million. It created a lot of excitement in the town. The artists were there. They planned to go and perform to get the money. However, they were not given the money. When I called the guys, they ... view
  • 30 Jun 2021 in National Assembly: I thought the President would open some of the counties that had not been affected by COVID-19 drastically yesterday. Malindi Town and Watamu Town are dead completely. People have no jobs. They have nothing to eat just because of the COVID-19 protocols. I also want to ask the President to give us more money. It should pass through the National Government- Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) this time and we will give it to the people. view


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