Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 7911 to 7920 of 8412.

  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Before Hon. Pkosing, we have the Hon. Leader of the Majority Party. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Order, Leader of the Majority Party. What is it Hon. Kajwang’? view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: You are hawk-eyed, Hon. Kajwang’. That is appreciated. Yes, Hon. Pkosing. You are consulting far away from where you ordinarily sit. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Nyikal. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Chair, would you want to have a minute? view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. (Dr) Nyikal do not cross the Floor use the Chair to ask the questions you want. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: What is it, Hon. Kajwang’? view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Well, Hon. Kajwang’ let us not dichotomise. The amendment by Hon. Pkosing came as a block. That is what we want to put to vote. After that, we will go to further amendments. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: We have a further amendment. Hon. Leader of the Majority Party. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Cecily Mbarire, then I will give you, Hon. Chair. view


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