Patrick Kariuki Mariru

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 7921 to 7930 of 8412.

  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I see Hon. Sankok behind you. I always like giving you opportunity last. Hon, Sankok. Hon. Members, nothing stops anyone from proposing a further amendment. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I will give only Hon. Murwithania and then the chair. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: We must move on. Hon. Nduati, can you just take half a minute? I suspect you will just take half a minute. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Yes, Leader of the Majority Party. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Leader of the Majority Party, for purposes of tiding up our work, I take it that you have moved that Motion as amended, just like you have just indicated on the record. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: What is it? Let us have Hon. Kajwang’ then I will get to the Chair. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Let me be clear so that we debate within a clear context. I want Members to note that I had not proposed the Question or put the Question on the first amendment by the Leader of the Majority Party. I shall propose the Question on the further amendment by the Leader of the Majority Leader, so that Members can debate as Hon. Pkosing is doing. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Members, the Floor is open, Hon. Pkosing you can engage within that context. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Very well. Order Hon. Pkosing! That is clear. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Musimba. You need to move the Second Reading of the New Clause 11A. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view


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