29 May 2019 in Senate:
Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. said that there were quite a number of stakeholders during public participation. That indicates the interest on the subject. This Bill seeks to amend an Act, and that shows that mental health has been neglected. I am glad that Sen. Kasanga looked at issues that are missing in the Act that made it impossible for us to have proper management of mental health issues.
29 May 2019 in Senate:
Mental health has been ignored by governments over time. Therefore, Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have filled the gap. Most of the stakeholders we had during public participation on this Bill were people from NGOs. As I said earlier, for a long time, mental health has been misinterpreted. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
29 May 2019 in Senate:
Traditionally, there have been various beliefs on mental health, such that anybody who exhibits any illness that we do not seem to understand is referred to as a mad person and is either locked up or tied on a tree or basically banished. Traditionally, they were even thrown into a forest to die there. Until recently, even transgender was considered a mental health issue. That means that it is not only in Kenya or Africa where mental health has been misunderstood, but the world over.
29 May 2019 in Senate:
This Bill seeks to ensure mental health treatment at the county level. Since health is a devolved function, county governments have a duty to ensure that mental health issues are mainstreamed in the primary healthcare. As they adopt the Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) models of managing health, they should ensure that all levels of health facilities have a mental health unit. Mathari Hospital is the only referral hospital for mental illnesses. There is so much stigma such that people even threaten children that if they do anything wrong, they shall be taken there. The stigma associated with mental health makes ...
29 May 2019 in Senate:
Those standards should be developed. We have to know the number of health professionals that are needed in a mental facility, the type and quantity of equipment required, the medication and methods of care. The county governments were not factored in the principal Bill, but will now take a central role in the provision of mental healthcare to patients. Clause 6 of the Bill also provides for the rights of persons with mental illness. It says that;- ‗Every person with mental illness has the right to— (a) fully participate in the affairs of the community and in any position suitable ...
29 May 2019 in Senate:
we will have to provide an item on management of mental health facilities, which will help in the management of mental health patients. Initially, people had to go through the director of the board to register a mental health facility, but that duty has now been designated to the respective county executive committee members.
28 May 2019 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me the opportunity to make my opinion known on this Bill by Sen. Pareno. I am also glad because I had concerns that it would contradict the NCIC that is led by Hon. Kaparo. This Bill seeks to repeal the existing one to make the Commission stronger and better in terms of performing its duties. We have seen how they look toothless when they are required to respond on issues of ethnic discrimination and hate speech. They always complain that they are unable to act to the detriment of this country. We ...
28 May 2019 in Senate:
I also request the sponsor of the Bill, Sen. Pareno, to consider amending it in terms of the membership to the Commission. We have the chairperson and three other persons. That gives an odd number. If there was a decision to be made, there would be no one to break the tie. I request that we have a chairperson and four other members or reduce them to two members because too many cooks spoil the broth.
28 May 2019 in Senate:
Clause 32 also clearly spells out the definitions of the terms ―discrimination,‖ ―hate speech‖, ―negative ethnicity‖ and ―ethnic discrimination.‖ This will remove the ambiguity that we have been facing when people are arrested for hate speech. When they go to court, they find a loophole in terms of the definition of hate speech and get away with it. This Bill includes the important aspect of peace building; something that was initially lacking. We neglect this aspect, as a country, and leave it to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) when in essence, the right to security and peaceful co-existence is The electronic version ...
28 May 2019 in Senate:
enshrined in our Constitution and should be the work of the Government. By having peace building as an aspect in this Bill, that will ensure that all issues of cohesion, integration and peace are in one place and are managed properly. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, with those few remarks, I thank you for the opportunity. I also thank the sponsor of this Bill who is very well versed with issues of integration in this country. I support.