Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
The Health Laws (Amendment) Bill No. 14 of 2018 that was read the First Time on 26th April 2018 touches on the following laws: The Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Cap 244), the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act (Cap 253), the Nurses Act (Cap 257), the Kenya Medical Training College Act (Cap 261), the Nutritionists and Dieticians Act (No. 18 of 2007), the Kenya Medical Suppliers Authority Act No. 20 of 2013, the Counsellors and Psychologists Act No. 14 of 2014, Physiotherapists Act No. 20 of 2014, the Health Records Information Managers Act No. 15 of 2016 and Clinical Officers (Training, ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
When the Committee was considering the Bill, it called for submissions of memoranda from the public in our major dailies on 10th May 2018. Subsequently, it received written submissions from several interested members of the public. We appreciated the provisions of the Constitution and the Standing Orders. Great public interest in the Health Laws (Amendment) Bill was shown because the Committee received memoranda and submissions from the Ministry of Health, its agencies and key stakeholders. We had a full two-day session where we interacted with them and canvassed their views. It is also good to know that we received 131 ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
During the scrutiny of the Bill, the Committee made several observations. First, the proposed amendments fundamentally affect composition and structures of boards of management and councils. This is to align the State agencies to Mwongozo and the Government policy on management of State corporations which is geared towards having lean and efficient boards, parastatals and statutory bodies. Secondly, the Committee observed that the Health Act 2017 has not been fully operationalised by the Ministry of Health. This is a matter of urgency that it needs to look into. An audit of the Act and other health related laws should be ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, the Committee noted instances of discordance between the Ministry and some of its agencies in some proposed amendments brought to the Committee. It painted a picture of discord within the Ministry and some of the agencies. The Committee made recommendations that are for posterity and meant to benefit mwananchi.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
There are some things that I would like Members to be attentive to, and that are contained in the Bill. The first one is how drugs are handled in this nation. With regard to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, we have some pharmaceutical and veterinary services given to animals. Animals are affected generally by the feeds they are given. If we give drugs to animals, it means that we are dealing with an area that is supposed to be handled by veterinary experts and pharmacists. Some of those drugs will affect the health of Kenyans. So, we have now provided ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
We have quacks. For example, we had the infamous “Dr. Wamugo.” We have some fake doctors and fake medicines in circulation in the market. We also have some chemists which sell fake drugs. This Bill seeks to make sure that any unqualified person who acts as a doctor or uses the title “doctor” will face serious consequences, if he or she is found selling fake medicines in the Kenyan market. Anyone selling medicines without the approval of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board will also face the consequences. We cannot allow Kenyans to be exposed to such characters who just want ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
There were also issues of clinical officers versus doctors. I know my senior will speak on this matter. We need to harmonise how we handle our clinical officers and doctors, and see how they can work together as a team. We have nurses who are midwives and midwives who are not nurses. We felt that they need to be recognised in law.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
On the issue of CEOs and corporate secretaries, we defined their roles very clearly. We also prescribed the qualifications of chairs of the boards. We appreciate that the medical sector is serious. We have had instances where some of the chairs appointed by the Government do not qualify and do not add any value in the boards they are appointed to. So, the Committee sought to have a minimum qualification of a person who becomes a chair of a board and the qualification of CEOs. We also noted some CEOs of the boards in one Ministry have been there for ...
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
Mental health is a serious matter in this nation. So, we listened to psychologists. We hope that once we put these statutes together, we may even have the Ministry of Health attaching, at least, one psychologist in their institutions because we know that drug abuse is a reality in our schools and depression among our teenage children is a reality. It is high time the nation addressed itself on the matter of mental health of its citizens.
2 Oct 2018 in National Assembly:
On drugs sold in foods, we have seen the kinds of food substances that we allow to come into this nation. We have all kinds of stuff, like rice and sugar, coming in through our ports. We have the Public Health Department, which is in charge of protecting Kenyans from health hazards. We need to investigate and see whether they are playing their role.