31 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the House today, Tuesday 31st March, 2015:- The Report of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs on the Vetting of two nominees for appointment as Commissioners to the Judicial Service Commission.
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this very important Motion. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my very good friend, hon. (Dr.) Musimba for The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
acting within the law. Hon. Musimba and I have a long history. I started an organisation called CCK. When I left, hon. (Dr.) Musimba came and continued from where I had left. I want to thank him for his courage. I would like to quote what Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the former President of the United States of America said:- “Courage is not the absence of fear; but rather the assessment that something is more important than fear.”
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, for someone to bring such a Motion is, indeed, very courageous. He has raised issues that are stated very clearly on the Order Paper that the Speaker was contemptuous, malicious and made unfounded allegations against Members. I like what Robert Maxwell has written in his book, “ Thinking for Change ”. He says:- “As you think of your goals, you should be clear enough to be kept in focus, close enough to be achieved and helpful enough to change lives.”
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
I will stick to the rule of relevance as contained in Standing Order No.107. I have listened very carefully to my very good friend in support and in seeking to buttress his case against the Speaker he sought to put meat to the issues that he has raised. I do not want to dwell on matters that have not been brought before this Motion. On the issue of the Speaker being contemptuous, one of the things about which the Speaker was contemptuous, according to Dr. Musimba was that he referred to some people here: “You bald headed person”. Madam Deputy ...
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
How can you be abused by being told what you are?
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Surely, it is like calling a dog, “You dog”. It is as if you have abused the dog. There is nothing like abusing a dog. You have just called it by its name. You have just been called by the manner in which you look. I mean, if I tell someone, “You look very handsome,” how has that person been abused? These are things that, as a lawyer, I get shocked at.When I attended the Global Law Summit, together with hon. Kaluma and hon. Cheboi, about three weeks ago, after the meeting, I just wanted to listen to the House ...
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, we must differentiate between light moments and serious moments. Since we are a presidential system, we have borrowed so much from the American system. I would like to quote what Abraham Lincoln said during very serious times of war and conflict. This is what he said:
24 Mar 2015 in National Assembly:
“ Charity towards all and malice towards none”. I just want to appeal to my friend that he shows some charity towards the Speaker. The difference between speaking in a light moment and speaking maliciously is the intention. I am sure that my good The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.