Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 2211 to 2220 of 3315.

  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: (b) the physical condition of the person detained, held in custody or imprisoned; (c) reason for the detention, custody or imprisonment; (d) steps being taken to ensure that the person arrested or detained is subject to the due process of the law; (e) any transfers of the person detained, held in custody or imprisoned to other institutions or facilities; (f) the medical history of the person detained, held in custody or imprisoned.” view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, some of the amendments are just meant to address typographical errors. For instance, in Clause 3(a), we are seeking to correct the word “maybe” by separating it into two words to read “may be” to give it a proper grammatical sense. With regard to Clause 3(b) (2), we are seeking to remove the words “under any other written law” as contained in the Bill because there can be no “any other written law” once the Constitution has provided on something. There is no limitation to a particular freedom that is to be enjoyed by a person ... view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 4 and replacing with a new Clause 4 as follows— view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Limitation of right to privacy. view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: 4. The right to privacy as set out in Article 31 of the Constitution may be limited in respect of a person deprived of liberty— (a) if the limitation is for the purposes of maintenance and preservation of national security to the extent provided for in the Constitution; (b) if the limitation is for the purposes of security and safety of law enforcement officials and the persons deprived of liberty under their care; (c) where the enjoyment of that right prejudices or is freedoms of others; (d) where there is need for humanitarian assistance of migrants, refugees, asylum or refugees ... view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 5 of the Bill be amended in subclause 2 by deleting the words “two hundred” appearing immediately after the word “exceeding” and substituting therefor the words “five hundred”. The reason why we are proposing this amendment is that any person convicted of subjecting a person who has been deprived of liberty to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment should not be fined Kshs.200,000. That is too low. He has committed a serious offence. This is a felony. So, we consider it a serious offence. So, it should not be ... view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 6 of the Bill be amended by deleting subclause (2); The reason is that this law is being subjected to the application of the Criminal Procedure Code. The Criminal Procedure Code is expected to undergo amendments so that it can be in line with the Constitution. What has been provided in this Bill is very comprehensive. So, we do not require the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code on matters of arrest. This Bill in itself has gone beyond what is provided in the Criminal Procedure Code. So, ... view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 7 of the Bill be amended— (a) by deleting the expression “(1)” appearing immediately after the expression “7.”; (b) by deleting the word “and” appearing immediately before the words “the right to” in paragraph (e); Again, these are purely typographical errors that we are removing under Clause 7(1). There is no 7(2) and so we are proposing that the figure (1) be deleted. Similarly, the word “and” appearing in paragraph (e) should be deleted because it does not make sense and for the paragraph to be grammatically correct. ... view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 8 of the Bill be amended— (a) in subclause (1)— (i) by deleting the words “being detained, held in custody or imprisoned” appearing immediately after the word “upon” in paragraph (a) and substituting therefor the words “the first instance of detention, being held in custody or imprisonment”; (ii) by inserting the words “or movement” immediately after the word “transfer” appearing in paragraph (b); (b) in subclause (2) by deleting the word “liberties” appearing immediately after the words “deprived of” and substituting therefor the word “liberty”; This is to ... view
  • 27 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: I beg to move:- The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view


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