27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Chairlady, I beg to move:-
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
THAT, the Bill be amended by— (a) inserting the following new clause immediately before Clause (9)- 9A. (1) A victim has a right to— Rights during the (a) be present at their trial either in person or through The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
trial process a representative of their choice; (b) have the trial begin and conclude without unreasonable delay; (c) give their views in any plea bargaining; (d) have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair a fair hearing before a competent authority or, where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or body established by law; (e) be informed in advance of the evidence the prosecution and defence intends to rely on, and to have reasonable access to that evidence; (f) have the assistance of an interpreter provided by the State where the victim ...
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Chairlady. If we leave that comment just to go like that, it will not be fair. Hon. Gikaria needs to understand the process in court. The presence that is referred to here is for the victims just to be seated. However, when it comes to the point when he or she is supposed to give evidence, he or she is supposed to be present. There is no substitution of a victim when he or she is supposed to give his or her evidence. They must be present in court. The accused person has the ...
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Chairlady.
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Chairlady. I agree with the second proposed amendment which seeks to delete the words “unless the court orders otherwise”. But with respect to the first amendment which obligates the victim to make a statement; that, in itself, is going too far. If that amendment is carried, it means that every victim must write a statement. There are times when victims do not want to write any statement. So, you are forcing every victim to write a statement. First and foremost, that is contrary to the Constitution. No one should be forced to give a statement. It is ...
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Chairlady.
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Chairlady, I beg to move:-
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
THAT, the Bill be amended in Clause 10-
27 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
(a) by inserting the following new sub-clauses immediately after sub-clause 2-