13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
refer the matter to Director of CID or the DPP. It is left to the wisdom of the Commissioners of that particular Commission.
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
( (Provisions relating to Employment Act agreed to)
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in the Schedule in the proposed amendments to the Political Parties Act, 2011 (No. 11 of 2011), by deleting the proposed amendment to the Seventh Schedule. The import of the proposed amendment is that we delete paragraph (8) which states that the selection committee shall elect the chairperson and vice-chairperson from The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
among its numbers. That provision should be retained in the Schedule because if you remove it, then there is no provision to elect a chair and vice-chair. So, we thought that should remain and we propose the deletion of the deletion.
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT the Bill be amended in the Schedule in the proposed amendments to the Industrial Court Act, 2011 (No. 20 of 2011)- (i) by inserting the word “employment and” immediately before the words “Labour Relations Court” appearing in the proposed long title of the Act; (ii) by inserting the word “employment and” immediately before the words “Labour Relations Court” appearing in s.1; (iii) by deleting the proposed amendment to part 2 of s. 2; (iv) by deleting the proposed amendment to s.3(1) and substituting therefor with the words “just, expeditious, efficient and ...
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
(ix) by deleting the proposed amendment to s.8; (x) by deleting the proposed amendment to section 9(1) and substituting thereof the following new provision in its proper numerical sequence —
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
s. 9(1) Delete paragraph (b) and substitute therefor the following new paragraph— “(b) one or more Deputy Registrars as the administration of justice requires” (xi) by deleting the word “issued” immediately before the word “guidelines” and substituting therefor with the words “as may be published” appearing in s.15 (6); (xii) by deleting the proposed amendment to s. 22(2); (xiii) by deleting the proposed amendment to s.24; The Committee made several amendments to the ones that had been proposed. Again the reason why those amendments were made was to align it with what the Constitution provides. The Constitution provides that Parliament ...
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. My very good friend, the Member for Kabete may not have understood the import of the amendments that are being proposed.
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Article 162 of the Constitution provides as follows:-
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
“(2) Parliament shall establish courts with the status of the High Court to hear and determine disputes relating to—