13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. In fact, the only amendment that we are making as a Committee is just to insert the words “the Anti- Corruption and Economic Crimes Act” with respect to Section 11(1), which is the particular legislation that is being referred to. We are just making clarity. Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I now beg to move:-
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
THAT, the Bill be amended in the Schedule in the proposed amendments to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2011 (No. 22 of 2011) by inserting the following row immediately after the proposed amendment to s.11(1), s.11 (1) insert the words, “ the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act ” immediately before the words “or other written law” appearing in paragraph (d)
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
( (Provisions relating to Tourism Act agreed to)
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in the Schedule in the proposed amendments to the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act, 2011 (No 33 of 2011)- (i) by deleting the words “House of Parliament” immediately before the words “by a” and substituting therefor with the words “National Assembly “appearing in s.13 (1); (ii) by deleting the word “House” immediately before the word “the” and substituting therefor with the word “Assembly” appearing in s.13 (1); (iii) by deleting the words “House of Parliament” immediately before the word “a” and substituting therefor with the words “National Assembly” appearing in s.13 ...
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
House only. They have nothing to do with the Senate. The Senate never approves any appointment. We have aligned all the rest parts (i) to (v) just to replace “House of Parliament” and make it clear that it is the National Assembly.
13 Aug 2014 in National Assembly:
Yes, hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. We do. The only thing I seek to do is that instead of amending Section 13 we amend Section 14.