Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 551 to 560 of 3315.

  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: I am sorry, Hon. Speaker. May I amend? Hon. Cheboi is the First Chairperson in the Chairman’s Panel. view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, you know, where I come from, English is not so ordinary and common. We struggle with it. So you can imagine. Hon. Cheboi is the First Chairman. Hon. Speaker, I listen to him keenly. I would like to agree with him but the definition of “hardship area” does not include very rainy areas or bad roads. Bad roads are manmade. He should be blaming his governor, and not the rain. That area cannot be a hardship area because his governor has absconded his duty. He should talk to his governor about payment of hardship allowance to public servants ... view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I rise to second. I can see Hon. Wamalwa is wondering why Hon. Chepkong’a is seconding. He knows that, of course, I would have opposed it, but I want to assure him that as a Committee we stand with the HBC. The reason why I agree with them - this is a discussion we had in the Committee - is that we did not want to appear to be an impediment to the Select Committee. In fact, we rue the idea that if we had come up with a recommendation that supports the petition we would have completely ... view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: More importantly, I support the extension of the period by 30 days to allow the Select Committee to deal with this issue. Our mandate as the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs was too narrow, only dealing with a petition yet the Joint Select Committee is dealing with a wider mandate of looking at various ills that the IEBC commissioners have been accused of. In fact, if our mandate included looking for other ills, we possibly would have found them, but that was not the mandate we were given by this House. This House gave us a specific petition. ... view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Speaker I rise pursuant to the Standing Order No.83. As you know, the Standing Orders are very clear. If you are proposing a Bill, you cannot also oppose it. If you are opposing a Bill as the Chair of the Committee yet you were supposed to be moving it, the best thing to do is to withdraw it. Instead of calling for secondment, he should just withdraw the Bill, so that we do not debate it. As the sponsor of a Bill, I can abandon it. The Bill would not be considered by the ... view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I join Hon. Jakoyo Midiwo to welcome Sawagongo Boys High school to the National Assembly. We only entertain disciplined people. By their presence alone, they are disciplined boys. So, we must thank them and they should continue with the same spirit. view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I beg to move that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 18 of 2016) be read a Second Time. We have been going through electoral reforms as a Committee and this is one of the Bills in that regard. We started with the Political Parties (Amendment) Bill, which we passed and has already been assented into law. We came to the second Bill, which was the Election (Amendment) Bill, to deal with the Elections Act, which we have dealt with in the Second Reading. The HBC has made a decision that ... view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: benefit of recent learning compared to Sen. Orengo and Sen. Kiraitu. So, you can be sure that they will not despise the knowledge that I have. On a more concrete note, the IEBC (Amendment) Bill is the last one which we are considering as a Committee, among the electoral reforms that we have been discussing with the Judiciary, IEBC, the Registrar of Political Parties, the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) and the Political Liaison Committee, which has been set up under the Political Parties Act to deal with party issues. We had discussions and retreats in Mombasa with the Judicial ... view
  • 21 Jul 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, with regard to the Selection Panel, we are proposing that two persons shall be nominated, being one man and one woman, by the Majority Party or coalition of parties in the National Assembly. Secondly, two persons, being one man and one woman, be nominated by the Minority Party or parties composing that coalition. Finally, three persons shall be nominated by the President from a panel of persons that have been advertised by the Public Service Commission and recommended to the President and those three persons be brought to the National Assembly for approval. Eventually, the three persons would ... view


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