Samuel Onunga Atandi

Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 21 to 30 of 450.

  • 9 Nov 2021 in National Assembly: When Members complain that if we fill the House we will be exposed to COVID-19, let us also remember that some of the Members attend very large political rallies out there and do not care about the health of the members of the public. Last week, Hon. Duale was in a very big rally in Juja where he even accused the President of some stuff. So, let us lead by example by avoiding large rallies and when we come here, let us free Members. In fact, there are some Members who have not had a chance to speak in this ... view
  • 7 Oct 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. This is Public Petition No. 51 of 2021. The petitioners seek financial support of the Central Bank of Kenya in the matter of Spire Bank Limited under sections 34 and 36 of the CBK Act. On behalf of teachers within the Republic of Kenya who invested in Spire Bank through Mwalimu National Sacco Society, I draw the attention of the House to the following:- THAT, Spire Bank Limited, formerly known as Equatorial Commercial Bank (ECB), was established as a finance company in 1983 under the Banking Act (Cap. 488 of the Laws of Kenya) and regulated ... view
  • 7 Oct 2021 in National Assembly: THAT, the Petitioners verily believe that the CBK has a role to play in assisting Spire Bank Ltd to overcome the financial challenges it is currently facing thus preventing its imminent collapse; THAT, the CBK is mandated under the Central Bank of Kenya Act to ensure, among other things, liquidity, insolvency and proper functioning of a stable market based financial system; THAT, Sections 34 under the CBK Act, Chapter 499(1) Laws of Kenya, the Central Bank of Kenya is expected to extend facilities, loans and other financial support services to specified banks under appropriated terms and conditions. THAT, financial challenges ... view
  • 6 Oct 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I join my colleagues in supporting this Petition. I want to say that when you supply Government and it fails to pay you and you seek justice in court and you again win in court and again the Government fails to pay you, I think that is really like murder. You have been murdered by your Government. Therefore, it is immoral. It is bad. It is criminal for the Government to fail to pay a supplier for over 25 years. I am aware of this matter because my colleague spoke to me about it. This ... view
  • 29 Sep 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. This Petition is very important and timely. When we were in university, we elected our representatives through universal suffrage and we had some of the most democratic elections. My fear, nowadays, is that during elections, there is a tendency by university students to group themselves in their ethnic formations. This is affecting the quality of representation that we have in universities. We no longer have university students who are capable of pursuing issues that touch on their members. We have university student leaders who are appointed by university administrations. I think as the ... view
  • 29 Sep 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. This Petition is very important and timely. When we were in university, we elected our representatives through universal suffrage and we had some of the most democratic elections. My fear, nowadays, is that during elections, there is a tendency by university students to group themselves in their ethnic formations. This is affecting the quality of representation that we have in universities. We no longer have university students who are capable of pursuing issues that touch on their members. We have university student leaders who are appointed by university administrations. I think as the ... view
  • 21 Sep 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I also join my colleagues in congratulating my sister, Hon. Dennitah Ghati, following her appointment as the president of the Commonwealth disability office. Hon. Dennitah Ghati is a very strong Member of the ODM Party Disability League, where she has outperformed herself and done tremendously well, even beyond our expectations as a party. I am confident that this new responsibility is going to push her ability and efforts forward and in a way that the Commonwealth body will appreciate her work. She is also one of the Members of Parliament who have a strong voice on ... view
  • 11 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Let me begin by thanking the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security for the answer that we have received. However, I want to say that immediately this issue was raised, the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government attempted to answer to some of these concerns by putting a few police officers to undertake patrols in the area but I was surprised that in July – because this response was given to me in June – the arsonists, again, attacked the area and burnt about six homes. That is another issue ... view
  • 11 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: So, I want to challenge the Chair that even though the answer says that this issue was isolated, it was not so because in the month of July that has happened. Secondly, it has become fashionable for the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Coordination of National Government to say that there are investigations which are going on but when you look at it, once answers are read here, the story dies and we have not even been told to date who are the people who are involved in this initial case which is being answered here. So, Hon. Speaker, I ... view
  • 11 Aug 2021 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, what I am saying is that the response is inadequate and I am just trying to explain that even though in the response it is very clear that the Cabinet Secretary is saying that the investigations were being done, it is now 2or 3 months and nobody has been arrested. So, I do not think that is really something which is out of context. Anyway, I want to say that I agree with your direction and I want to say that the Statement is not satisfactory because it is actually a complete lie. There is nothing that has ... view


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