14 Feb 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I want to make a point on this Motion. You know that as a coalition, we will not participate in the vetting exercise of State officers. I rise to oppose this Motion because, in my view, what has been happening during the vetting, based on my observation, is not vetting. It is basically validating orders from above. Therefore, it is rubber- stamping. In my view, we do not need to waste time over matters that the Members of Parliament from the Jubilee Party are aware that they have been given express orders on.
14 Feb 2018 in National Assembly:
These are express orders from above for which the Jubilee side is aware. They are merely wasting time. It is not vetting but rubber-stamping. This House must not be taken round over matters which really have no meaning. Jubilee could proceed and pass these names in a minute. They do not need to bring a Motion here to waste our time. We do not need The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
14 Feb 2018 in National Assembly:
this circus in this House. Let Jubilee go to their corridors and approve these names. This is not vetting. If you saw what happened…
14 Feb 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I had not finished.
14 Feb 2018 in National Assembly:
My point is that the Jubilee side does not need time for this kind of Motion to be passed. What they need to do is go to their Parliamentary Group meeting and approve the names of these State officers then they get appointed by their president. That is my point. We do not need an extension of time because it is a waste of parliamentary business time to extend this exercise for another two weeks. In my view it is not necessary.
30 Nov 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. At the outset, I would like to say that I support this Motion. I would like to say that CDF so far is one of the most impactful devolution items this country has seen. And I think this is the reason why it has so many enemies. We have the civil society, the Executive, the county governments, most of which are against the administration of NG-CDF. I think the reason why this is happening is because of serious accolades that NG-CDF projects have continued to receive in comparison to those projects ...
30 Nov 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Lastly, I would like to address the question of delay in the gazettement of the already passed committees. In my view, the delay in gazettement of members of committees that have been passed in this House is strategic and by design because this Government is broke. The Government is trying to delay the process of effecting NG-CDF so that they can collect resources to give to constituencies, because once these names are gazetted, it will be upon the Government to move with speed and release the funds. We know very well that this Government spent humongous ...
26 Sep 2017 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. This is my first time to speak in this House. Before I joined politics, I was a leading professional in the financial services sector. When I told my colleagues that I was resigning to vie for a parliamentary seat, most of my colleagues disagreed with me. They told me that Parliament was a discredited organisation that a serious professional like myself was not suitable to join. I disagreed with all of them and went ahead to campaign. That is the reason I am here today. Firstly, let me take this ...
26 Sep 2017 in National Assembly:
repeat election that is going to be presided over by the same characters under whose watch the 8th August general elections were bungled. That position has been given very clearly. Secondly, Uhuru Kenyatta is enjoying a temporary incumbency. Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta is abusing that privilege because the country is going through what I call “lawlessness”. Nobody is in charge of this country at the moment. We know very well that the Member for Gatundu assembled members of the proscribed Mungiki S ect to attack NASA demonstrators who were basically exercising their democratic rights as given in the Constitution. We must ...