20 Feb 2019 in National Assembly:
To those people who are launching projects across the country, some of these projects you are launching have no impact on Kenyans. Can you desist from launching some of these projects and focus on healthcare? Let our people go to hospitals, let them be treated and let them pay minimal fees. We do not want to hear bills of millions of shillings. We are doing harambees every weekend about healthcare and about people whose bodies have been detained. Our life is just about harambees and if we can answer this issue, then I will be a proud Member of this ...
18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I want to…
18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, you will add me one minute for that moment that has been wasted. I stand to support this appointment. Initially, I was opposed to the nomination of Maj. (Rtd) Twalib Abdallah Mbarak to this position. However, after listening to the Committee’s Report, I have been sold out to this man. I am aware that fighting corruption is not an easy job neither is it a mechanical or spiritual function. It is a job that requires tact. The background of Maj. (Rtd) Twalib Abdallah Mbarak as having worked for NSIS, in my view, will be critical for him ...
18 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
There is a connection between the war against corruption and our oversight function as Parliament. If you look at the last Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Reports, all of them are asking EACC to investigate various instances of corruption in various Ministries. For the last four financial years, there is nothing that has happened in the area of investigating those Reports. Therefore we are asking this nominee that immediately he moves into office, let him begin by investigating these reports. The other issue is that the EACC does not have the capacity, as we talk, to investigate corruption that is happening ...
6 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute on this Bill. I want to make a few remarks and say that I support the County Allocation of Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2018. There are certain things that we need to observe when we are allocating donor resources to counties because we are aware counties lack capacity to implement some of these projects. Going through this Bill, you find that we are allocating about Kshs37 billion to counties and these are funds either borrowed or donated by donors. We have a problem with our debt position right ...
6 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I said that the total loans and grants that are being dispensed in this financial year is Kshs36 billion.
6 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, if you look at the total grants and loans in the last column, column (n)…
6 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
So, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, my point is that we need to ensure capacity of counties to implement donor funds that we are allocating to them. That is one. Two, we know that donor funds have been abused in the past. Even in national Government, we have had resources donated by donors being abused. I caution counties that we need to ensure that these resources are used for the purpose for which they have The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
6 Dec 2018 in National Assembly:
been given. Lastly, we need to ensure that counties provide to citizens budget estimates and implementation documents that will ensure that citizens are able to monitor these projects. This is because if these projects are going to be conducted without proper public awareness to know that these particular projects are going on, then we will not achieve the purpose for which these monies are being allocated. Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to support this Bill.