8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Billow! Mr. Kamama, address the Chair!
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Biwott, just to interrupt you, I will be calling upon the Mover to reply at 11.30 a.m. So, you have about five minutes to go.
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
I will now call upon the Mover to reply.
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Mr. Minister, you know the rules of this 3518 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES November 8, 2006 House. You cannot get away by sitting down just because your time is over. You have to withdraw your remark of naming and making reference to an hon. Member. Unless you withdraw, you have to follow the rules pertaining to discussing an hon. Member.
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Minister! It is okay to talk about situations that happen, such as this one. However, it is not right to drag the names of hon. Members into it. The Minister has, however, withdrawn.
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
The Bill is drafted by who?
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Weya! Specifically, we are discussing the Microfinance Bill. So, the Member is basically asking that you enrich the Bill.
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
What is the difference between this Bill and the one you have at hand?
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Do you have a problem with the growth? November 8, 2006 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 3519
8 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! The Chair has no constituency!