Sospeter Ojaamongson

Full name

Sospeter Odeke Ojaamongson


29th May 1963


P.O. Box 15789-00100, Nairobi, Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya



0722 813819



Sospeter Ojaamongson

Sospeter Odeke Ojaamongson has represented the Amagoro constituency since 2002. Prior to that he was Personal Private Secretary to Raila Odinga

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 701 to 710 of 726.

  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, again, it is was my proposal that we delete Clause 10 because of the way it is worded. view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I beg to move:- THAT Clause 10 be deleted. If you clearly look at the way Clause 10 is worded, it says:- "Any person who commits the offence of rape or defilement under this Act in association---" view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: It says:- "---in association with others." I have come to understand this to mean that if somebody was going around raping women and by accident you happen to be associated with him, you will also be guilty of rape. I wanted the rapists themselves to be punished and not their associates. I may be having an association with two or three people and one of them rapes a woman. The way this clause is worded, it would mean that since we drink together, I may be deemed guilty. I want the rapists to be punished as individuals and not by ... view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Yes, Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir. May 31, 2006 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 1087 view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, may be the Mover of the Bill should give us her insight on what association means. view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I beg to support the amendments proposed by Dr. Khalwale. If you look at this Bill, you will see that this Clause contains a foreign idea, whose time has not come. A child is adopted for a purpose. May be a man or a woman cannot get children. If, for instance, I adopt a Mzungu child from Germany, I see no reason as to why, if I May 31, 2006 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 1091 love her, I cannot marry her when we are not relatives by blood. I wish to support this amendment to remove a ... view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, it is different. What I wanted to be amended is Paragraph IV of Clause 22. I, in fact, want it completely deleted because it can easily--- 1092 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES May 31, 2006 view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT Clause 22 be amended by deleting Paragraph IV in totality. The intention of the paragraph, on the basis of its wordings, is that if one committed incest in one's house - I want to give an example of a man--- view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, if it is alleged that you committed incest in your house which you just bought, say in Karen, the court has an obligation to order you out of your house until that day your case will be determined. Could you put yourself in a situation where you are being ordered out of a house you have just bought at Kshs10 million simply because it has been alleged that you committed incest? You will be forced to walk in the streets of Nairobi because of an allegation. This is a law that men and women are going ... view
  • 31 May 2006 in National Assembly: Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, people have chickened out, but history will judge them harshly. view


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