19 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
nuclear plants that are funded by private investments. It must be through the government. It is a heavily capital investment programme. There is shortage of skilled manpower worldwide. To get nuclear experts worldwide is a major issue. Most of the people who have gone for nuclear studies, upon finishing, there is nowhere to get a job. So, they always change. Some of our best nuclear scientists who were trained changed to other jobs when they came back. Nuclear energy requires large quantities of water. If the country has a serious shortage of water like we have, it is not easy ...
19 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, accidents in nuclear plants are quite common. You remember the Chernobyl accident and the recent accident in Fukushima, Japan. When all these accidents occur, nuclear radiation comes out of the factory and this is a serious threat to human beings. The radiations are very lethal to the lives of people and cause a lot of death, particularly through cancerous processes. Nuclear reactors are prone to terrorism. If you blow up a nuclear plant, you can finish a whole country because the radiations that come out of it will completely spread throughout the whole country. That is ...
19 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, we are on the Equator. The sun rises from morning till 6 o’clock. The level of insolation of the sun is, therefore, very high. So, we can produce a lot of solar energy. We also have a lot of wind potential in this country. Areas like Wajir, Marsabit, Nyandarua and Turkana have a lot of wind. We can produce a lot of wind energy instead of going for a more risky option of nuclear energy. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained ...
19 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, the issue here is allocation. If we assume we were going to go for nuclear energy, where are we going to allocate? Where will this plant be put? This is very crucial because if you look at our country, most of it is populated. The areas where we have plenty of water are highly populated and so you cannot put a nuclear energy plant. If you were to put a nuclear energy plant in this country, the highly potential areas are the Lake Basin and the Coast area where we have the Tana River, Sabaki River ...
19 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
So, you have to make sure that these are areas which are very serious. Therefore, the area of location is very important. What I want to say is that this energy is good but the capital outlay is so high and the risks are very high. We have no reason, as a country, to go to such a high risk energy production capacity when we can do it in a cheaper way and produce energy that is safe and everybody will use it. The technology for wind energy and solar energy has developed so fast that now you can run ...
13 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I rise on a point of order to find out from the Leader of Majority Party what has happened to the resolution of this House which The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
13 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
was passed in June regarding San Marco Space Application Centre. In that resolution, the report of the Departmental Committee on Energy, Communication and Information and the Departmental Committee on Education, Research and Technology recommended that the Government should immediately form Kenya Space Agency to take over the management of San Marco Space Application Centre in Malindi.
13 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, the same report recommended that the Government should either negotiate a new agreement with the Government of Italy or else the Government should take over the station. Since that time the Government has only extended the agreement by the Italian Government to continue running the station from June to September.
13 Nov 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, from September that space centre has no management and, therefore, I wish to know from the Leader of the Majority Party what has happened.
28 Oct 2014 in National Assembly:
Hon. Chairlady, this amendment is supposed to achieve what hon. Ochieng has said. The idea here is that the Mineral Rights Board will be responsible and the CS will only act on the recommendation of the Mineral Rights Board.