Charles Keter

Full name

Charles Cheruiyot Keter


22nd November 1969


P.O. Box 51439, Nairobi, Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya






All parliamentary appearances

Entries 221 to 230 of 940.

  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Since Sen. Murungi was a co- chair of the sub-committee with Sen. Orengo, I think it is only fair that you allow Sen. Murungi to exhaust everything then Sen. Orengo and some of us will just make brief comments. If there are any amendments, we deal with them as we make the comments. I have seen the amendments. It would be better that when we are making our contribution, we bring in those amendments at that time. view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Going by your ruling, this Motion was to take 40 minutes, the Mover has already taken 35 minutes, we are remaining with only five minutes. I am not sure that we will rush into making decisions with regard to Standing Orders like we did in the last Parliament. I do not know whether it is right for me to move a Motion of Adjournment for another day so that we, first, deal with the Motion for Adjournment. I do not want to stand on Standing Order No.97 before we agree. view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I agree with the sentiments of the Members, but some of us are ready to sit until late at night. Therefore, I rise under Standing Order No.33 to move that the House extends its Sitting today until the conclusion of the business appearing on the Order Paper. Mr. Speaker, Sir, you will remember that we came up with these Standing Orders in the last Parliament and there was no input from us. That is why we are having problems. That is why we are having problems even with the way we communicate with the National Assembly. view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: I am explaining. I was moving the extension of the sitting time. view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, going by your advice and the mood of hon. Senators, I think the best thing – because Sen. Kiraitu rushed in explaining it – why do we not let the Motion to die? I move under Standing Order No.97 that we adjourn the debate because right now--- view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I think that it is good that the procedures are followed. Sen. Kiraitu had already moved the Motion and he had asked Sen. James Orengo to second it. view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: Therefore, it is there in the HANSARD--- view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: Did he refuse? view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: So, it is good to get that clarification for the Chair so that, next time, somebody will not raise it. view
  • 5 Dec 2013 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move:- THAT, pursuant to Standing Order 28 (3), the Senate do now adjourn and that in accordance with Standing Order 27(2) the Senate resolves to commence the Second Session on Tuesday, 25th February, 2014. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would not take much time because we are only remaining with about 20 minutes. I think we have come a long way from the time when we started at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC). Today we are here by my intention; but we are here by forcing ourselves to be in this Chamber. view


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