All parliamentary appearances
Entries 231 to 240 of 940.
5 Dec 2013 in Senate:
It is good to know that if, at all, the issues which had been raised by hon. Senators earlier on regarding the Senate are not addressed; we will still have the same problems come next year. So, I want to believe that as we go on recess, the leadership of the Senate must The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
5 Dec 2013 in Senate:
Of course, it was part of the struggle for devolution---
5 Dec 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, as we resume, there must be clarifications on the issues of Bills. When Government originates Bills, they can send ten to the National Assembly and ten to the Senate so that the National Assembly are debating some, we are also debating some. By so doing, we can pass about 20 Bills simultaneously. We do not want to be accused for not working and neither do we want to accuse other people. So, I do not want to take much time because I think each of us wants to go for recess. I will ask the Acting Senate ...
3 Dec 2013 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. With due respect to Sen. (Dr.) Machage, the allegations he is making-- it would be better he substantiates because this is a House of honour and we have said that our debate must be above board. He has made very strong allegations that some of the people who have been honoured before were of dubious character, criminals et cetera .
3 Dec 2013 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to reply. From the outset, I wish to thank all the Senators who have made their contribution towards this Motion. I believe we will have the opportunity to move some of the amendments in the Committee Stage like what Sen. Kerrow has mentioned. Once you are an elected Member of Parliament (MP), there should be automatic qualification so that there is harmony in the provision of all these honours being granted to hon. Members. Therefore, I will propose to Sen. Kerrow and others that we can make amendments so that ...
3 Dec 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, with due respect, I did not want to interrupt the chairperson of the Committee but I am just seeking your guidance because these are very important regulations. We have just been given about an hour to contribute to this Motion and we have to make meaningful contributions to these Regulations, we have to go through the whole document because we do not want to be rubberstamps. We do not just want to debate these Regulations today and make amendments tomorrow and then we go out thinking that we have actually passed Regulations which will stand the test ...
3 Dec 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I thought that a Member of the Committee would second so that we have good contributions.
3 Dec 2013 in Senate:
I will second and the other Members can make their contributions. In seconding this Motion, I would like to say that this is a very important Fund. This is a Fund that has been long awaited. It is a Fund that the Jubilee Government promised to give in their manifesto. They said that they would set aside funding for our women and our youth. Many of the regulations that will govern this Fund are very important. The only problem I want to emphasise is that this Fund must be managed in a different way. It should not be managed the ...
28 Nov 2013 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. With due respect to Sen. G.G. Kariuki, I did not intend to interrupt him but I just want to remind you that you had said that we will go to the next order after ten minutes. It is now after 20 minutes. This is just to remind you so that as he continues to contribute, we are mindful of the next order which is very crucial.
28 Nov 2013 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.