All parliamentary appearances
Entries 241 to 250 of 940.
28 Nov 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I wish to second the Motion by my former boss and senior, Sen. Kiraitu Murungi, because of the urgency of the next business. Some of us did not travel to Mombasa and are here purposely for this business. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, we are aware that the Motion by Sen. G.G. Kariuki is also very important, even though we are going to make amendments to it at the right time. I saw him getting agitated, but I wish to assure him that I will support him on this Motion, though with some amendments. So, he should ...
28 Nov 2013 in Senate:
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28 Nov 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I think part (v) is very clear; it says “at the invitation of the Board.” There could be specialization which we require the head of a section to appear before that advisory board. Hence, it is not the whole section but only those who are heading those sections, and only at the invitation of the Board. That is very clear. I do not know whether Sen. Kerrow has this document, because it is indicated “at the invitation of the Board.” So, it is very clear.
28 Nov 2013 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir. The Title will not change since there is no amendment to it. So, we could vote for all of them at one go.
27 Nov 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am a Member of the Committee, but I want to assure my colleagues that I will not be travelling to Mombasa; I will be here to vote.
27 Nov 2013 in Senate:
I think Sen. Kiraitu Murungi is also going to be here. So that we avoid all this debate, some of us will be here to vote so that we move forward.
27 Nov 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish, on the onset, to oppose this Motion in the sense that we started with the five names from this House. If the National Assembly acted in good faith, they should have amended the list, returned it to us before writing a communication to the Pan African Parliament. This is just an afterthought. It is assumed that the Senate cannot do anything because we cannot think and hence we are just going to rubberstamp this list. In my view, we should reject this list and sent it to a Mediation Committee because they could have even ...
21 Nov 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to join my colleagues in thanking you for being bold enough and decisive---
21 Nov 2013 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I wish to give Notice of the following Motion on behalf of my boss who is so busy:- THAT, the Senate approves the National Honours Regulations, 2013; laid on the Table of the Senate on Wednesday 20th November 2013 pursuant to Section 14 (3) of the National Honours Act, 2013; signed by Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki.
21 Nov 2013 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. This is not a joke but a serious issue. The Chair himself, who is an experienced Member of this House, has indicated that the office is not co-operating with him or the Committee. All Senators and Members of Parliament are entitled to security provided by the State and not by begging. All of us seated here have our security officers. Since the Cabinet Secretary in charge has refused to co-operate with this Senate---