15 Mar 2023 in Senate:
Just a moment, I have the Floor. Mr. Speaker, Sir, you are an advocate of the High Court. Once an order is served procedurally, it is your business to look at it and issue your ruling. Members of the other side have said that we look bad before the public. It is true, but do we not also look bad if we execute the orders in a haphazard manner? Mr. Speaker, Sir, I said here before that we have national leaders in this House, irrespective of parties and coalitions that we belong to, the much we want you to be ...
15 Mar 2023 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
15 Mar 2023 in Senate:
I disagree with my senior, Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, that you can go ahead and make your ruling. I submit that it is for you to verify the Order given to you by Sen. Omogeni. Take your time; tomorrow is another day. I submit that you will make a decision as the Chair of the House. Preserve the image of this House by following the procedure and give us a ruling at your own time, when you think you need to do it. This is because you had been stopped before, but now you have the Tribunal’s order.
15 Mar 2023 in Senate:
I submit that we now forward----
15 Mar 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am finishing, but I want to tell you not to be coerced by any Member to give a ruling today.
14 Mar 2023 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I also rise to support the Petition.
14 Mar 2023 in Senate:
The Petition presents a very unfortunate situation. We are talking of an estate where several Kenyans have invested in those houses out of their savings and earnings from their salaries, with hope of owning a house. This has a lot of impact in a family situation. You will find that a family has agreed to invest in a house in that estate, but then the investor goes away with all their money. This is a very unfortunate situation. This is a national issue and not just what is happening in Jamii Bora Estate in Kajiado County, but we have heard ...
14 Mar 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I support the Statement by the Senator for Nandi County. The Statement is in regard to education scholarships between Kenyan counties and academic institutions outside the country. I agree with my colleague and classmate, Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC, about devolving education at the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) level, but not at the primary, secondary and university levels. When a county government allocates resources in their county and supports a specific education program, with specific universities and scholarship amounts – taking students in their counties to universities abroad, this should be allowed. The problem is when ...
14 Mar 2023 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
14 Mar 2023 in Senate:
I support that counties should support the education sector, though that sector is not devolved. It is true that security is not devolved to the county governments. However, just like education, security is a problem that affects the citizens of that county. When we have a county government ready to support the national Government in advancing security matters, that is welcome. Mr. Speaker, Sir, for example, in Baringo and other areas, we have the National Police Reservists (NPR). Those are young people employed in those counties to help the police in security matters. The county governments provide some stipend, like ...