Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 191 to 200 of 576.

  • 1 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: to establish many types of sports in this country but, we at the same time need to ensure that funds are allocated to sustain the establishment and practices of these sports. Lastly, I can see that we talked about every constituency having a stadium sometimes back. That has not been established up to now. I am not too sure whether the Mover of this Motion is considering the fact that stadiums, if established the way it was discussed previously, even rugby would be included in those stadiums. Does he mean that we need more stadiums for rugby specifically or the ... view
  • 1 Aug 2018 in National Assembly: I just wanted to conclude by saying that it is a Motion I support only that certain weaknesses we have in sports should be addressed before we start establishing another stadium even though we have thought of putting stadiums in every constituency. Thank you. view
  • 4 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. I stand to support this Motion because colonialism is over and the last colonialism was in the 1960s. We do not have any more colonialism or a country occupying another country. What seems to be happening right now has been happening in a span of about 20 years and nothing has happened. Kenya looks so weak before the world. We are not able to sort out the problems that are affecting Migingo and other islands around Lake Victoria. My question is to various Ministries and various bodies that should look after ... view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity. I know when it comes to issues of retirement, many people are negative and I am one of those who are negative. It is said often that when they retire, they go home to die. So, it means that the retirement schemes that we have in this country have not been very satisfactory. Employees go home and they do not benefit from their retirement benefits on time. It takes a long time before they get their pension. However, this one seems to give me some hope. I looked at this Bill ... view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: those who are transferred from the old system to county governments, especially when they have five years to go. It says very clearly that they are not eligible to join the scheme. Nobody really seems to explain what is going to happen to them even though they are working and they may be having only five years to retire. What happens to them? That is not being addressed and it is making me feel that certain groups of people are being discriminated in this context. I think that needs to be streamlined. If they are not going to be beneficiaries ... view
  • 13 Jun 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady. I support this Vote because education is key to development. Quality education must be put in place. Part of implementing quality education is to employ teachers. Right now, many schools in this country do not have enough teachers. Every other school next door does not have teachers. The allocation of funds for recruitment of teachers is very much supported. I support this Vote because it will improve the number of teachers in schools. Schools will be covered enough and be able to complete their syllabuses. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is ... view
  • 25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for this opportunity. I come from an area surrounded by water. That is Lake Victoria, one of the fresh water lakes in the world. But, there is no water in that area all the same because water does not reach everybody in the area. That means there is some problem with water in this country. Kenya is infested with tragedies when there is plenty of water. When there is plenty of water, you can see people drowning in those waters, especially in the lakes, when they cross over. Children die during the rainy season. ... view
  • 25 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I think civic education is also necessary as we look for ways in which we conserve the water, use it well and protect it just like other countries where you can take water directly from the taps. We are so scared of doing that here and that is why we buy bottled water. That is my contribution to this. I support it because it is going to save lives and ensure that water will always be available during the rainy season and during drought. Thank you, for the opportunity. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: I thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. You have said that I am a Member for Busia. I am not from Busia. I come from Siaya County. I am Dr. Ombaka, Member for Siaya. view
  • 18 Apr 2018 in National Assembly: Okay. I did not hear that very well. I want to contribute to this Motion because it is very important. I am aware of the law which we passed in the last Parliament because I participated in it. It was to form associations and organisations that would be registered and licensed. It was a law that established these institutions. view


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