Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 31 to 40 of 576.

  • 2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to add my voice to this Bill. It is a very good Bill. It deals The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 2 Mar 2021 in National Assembly: with the education of children. Early childhood education (ECE), as has already been emphasised here, is the beginning of education for any child. It is the foundation of education for everybody. It is also an institution where character building begins. Socialisation takes place at ECE level and a child becomes good or bad from that point of education. So, I support the Bill. The Bill seeks to standardise education of the child in the sense that we need to have trained teachers and a curriculum in place that is acceptable to the community and the people. It is a place ... view
  • 23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. Libraries are very important for promotion of education and education is power. Part of education is to have a library. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. Libraries are very important for promotion of education and education is power. Part of education is to have a library. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Libraries are important, especially the type that is being proposed in this Bill, where even the board will comprise highly educated people. They will be university graduates with so much experience and managerial skills. I even looked at the composition of the board and it is gender sensitive as well. If the members of the board are weak people who are not well educated, even the running of the libraries can be very challenging. So, I support that the qualifications for the members of the board should be very high. view
  • 23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: Libraries are important, especially the type that is being proposed in this Bill, where even the board will comprise highly educated people. They will be university graduates with so much experience and managerial skills. I even looked at the composition of the board and it is gender sensitive as well. If the members of the board are weak people who are not well educated, even the running of the libraries can be very challenging. So, I support that the qualifications for the members of the board should be very high. view
  • 23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: The qualifications of the board members are very high, and this is highly appreciated. Secondly, we have colleges and universities in the counties and a lot of them do not have libraries. They only have rooms where a few books are kept. These kinds of libraries are going to promote our image and give opportunity to students to access information and academic materials from modern facilities. Lastly, we have to think twice about colleges and schools in the rural areas. Even though this is a good Bill that will promote and encourage libraries in villages and in the counties, we ... view
  • 23 Feb 2021 in National Assembly: The qualifications of the board members are very high, and this is highly appreciated. Secondly, we have colleges and universities in the counties and a lot of them do not have libraries. They only have rooms where a few books are kept. These kinds of libraries are going to promote our image and give opportunity to students to access information and academic materials from modern facilities. Lastly, we have to think twice about colleges and schools in the rural areas. Even though this is a good Bill that will promote and encourage libraries in villages and in the counties, we ... view
  • 26 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for giving me this opportunity. I support this Report. It is touching our lives. We are in a state of war. We have been invaded by COVID-19 that is killing so many people – It is mass destruction. In a state of war, a country prepares itself. A country has soldiers who must face the world as the rest watch or give them encouragement. When they prepare to go to war, they have equipment with which to fight the war and win. There is psychological preparedness. They are well paid, healthy and ready to ... view
  • 26 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Let us arrest people and show that we are serious. Let us prove that we as committees can make recommendations which can be listened to and be put into action. That is when we shall be relevant. I support the job they have done. I watched them on television when they were interviewing KEMSA people and it was painful. You talked about Hon. (Dr.) Nyikal crying. I cried too when I saw him crying, because for a doctor to weep, it means it is more than what we know. He is inside it. He is a medic and knows the ... view


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