Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 41 to 50 of 576.

  • 10 Nov 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this chance to contribute to this Female Genital Mutilation that we have been fighting for many years. It is not the first time it has come to this House. We have so many harmful cultural practices that women go through. Female Genital Mutilation is one of them. There are early marriages, domestic violence and so on. They are so many, but this one touches on one’s heart. Just look at the title FGM – Female Genital Mutilation. Mutilation as an English word proves that there is something very wrong with this. You cannot ... view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for this opportunity. This Bill is very timely because we have had many disasters in the country starting with the bomb blast, fires from fuel tankers and fires in schools. We have had lake disasters where canoes capsize. There are too many disasters. If we do not have an authority like this, we will never be able to manage them because more will come. We have not finished with them. We do not know when they will come. We need to be prepared. We need an authority such as this one to help us ... view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: of a disaster yet the vehicles do not have petrol. You will see that we are never prepared and funds are never there. We take too long to respond and the victims suffer. Some die along the way, when their lives can be saved. I really want to support this Bill because there is a lot that can be done. When there is a disaster, we can save lives. view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Another point that is important to consider is the training of those who manage disasters. People are not well-trained. When they approach a disaster scene, they are scared and want to back out. They run away simply because they are not well-trained and armed. They also do not have the right clothing or what can protect them as well. view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Lastly, victims also need to be cared for in terms of psychological trauma and health. Everybody needs to be aware that a disaster can befall us any time. When I was a student in a boarding school, we were trained on disaster management. We were young girls, but we were taught about disaster management. So, even at school level, we need to start thinking about training on disaster management. Therefore, the National Disaster Management Authority should do much more. It should put in place a lot more that will address disaster in this country. Otherwise, I thank the Member who ... view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: I support this Bill from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for the opportunity to contribute to this Bill. First, I am a Member of the Committee that worked on this Bill. My Chair has ably explained how we found out what the public wishes to hear. It is very important to note that the Bill does not remove fundraising as such. It allows it to go on only that it needs to be regularised to make sure that it is within the law and that people are disciplined enough in collecting funds. The good thing about this Bill is that those who seek to ... view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: . At least, there will be breathing space in which Members can play some role. However, it should not be that every time a harambee is held a politician is the guest of honour. It gives a chance to other people and businessmen within the community to be members of the Harambee committee or guests of honour. The mission for which a Harambee is done will also be checked by the authorities and that will control Harambee. How much are you collecting? How much do you really need for the project you want to undertake? What will you do with ... view
  • 8 Oct 2020 in National Assembly: what you needed? Those are some of the issues that came up. As we deliberated on it, we realised that a lot of issues were still emerging. What does the Harambee committee do when they collect much more or much less? Do they hold another Harambee immediately? When can they hold it? It is putting us in check. The most important thing about the Bill is that money will not be misused. Currently, everybody holds a Harambee even for things that do not require one. There are some Harambee that are not necessary. They are family related. You can hold ... view
  • 17 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me an opportunity to add my voice to this Bill. Cancer is a deadly disease. My mother died from cancer. I am aware how terrible it can be to a family because it takes a lot of time on you. The family is traumatised because it is very expensive to manage it and you end up dying. view


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