Christine Oduor Ombaka

Parties & Coalitions


23rd November 1956




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 51 to 60 of 576.

  • 17 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: It is a disease that must be declared a national disaster, as my colleague Hon. Nyenze has said. Just like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was declared a national disaster by the late President Moi in 1999. After HIV had been declared a national disaster, there was a huge campaign to sensitise people about what one needs to do in order to prevent it. We have said over and over in this House that cancer needs to be properly treated and controlled in this country. The laws are there, but we do not implement them. This ... view
  • 17 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: prevented. Prevention is better than cure, but prevention comes when people have information. So, we need to highlight and share information about cancer to know it just like we know a lot about HIV and AIDs whose information was everywhere in the newspapers, television, radio and shared in barazas . People were highly sensitized everywhere every now and again. I do not see that with cancer. That is what I want to encourage. As we pass laws here, we must make sure that implementation is practical and constant. We need to highlight that there is cancer and we need to ... view
  • 15 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to support this Bill. First of all, it is so late in the day. Eight years down the line and we are streamlining how to collect revenue is a bit too late. But there is still hope that we can improve revenue collection. I just want to tell you a little bit about what I see in the counties on collection of revenue, which need to be streamlined, standardised and systematised. Collection of revenue, as has already been indicated by many Members here, is haphazard and very violent. I ... view
  • 15 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 15 Sep 2020 in National Assembly: They collect the money but do not remit it the same day. They can do so the following day. This means that tax collectors collect money but sleep with it in their houses until the next day when they take it back to the counties. That is already a bad thing. Two, tax collectors are underpaid. They are paid little money and yet, they collect so much in the market. Will you not be tempted to steal the collected money? That is what I tend to see. Even tax collectors are put into temptation by collecting huge sums of money ... view
  • 12 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I support this Bill because it deals with the senior members of society — people we highly value and respect but at the same time, people who are neglected and suffer in the villages where we come from. It is true the elderly in society have been neglected and many of them live below the poverty line. They cannot access medical care and neither do they have food nor shelter. The Bill is very attractive in the sense that there is a section that deals with ... view
  • 12 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: been neglected and abused for a long time. The contribution from my colleague from Kilifi is very saddening. Although it was in Kiswahili, I could capture what she said. Old people are terribly abused; you find an old woman being raped because she lives alone and there is nobody to protect her. So many of such women live alone in a very terrifying state of affairs and have neither food nor anybody to take care of them. Those are the people to benefit from the homes that are being proposed in this Bill. Apart from that, Hon. Deputy Speaker, challenges ... view
  • 3 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. First of all, I enjoyed disbursing money from The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 3 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: this Fund when it was established in 2014. We worked pretty well with women from Siaya, where this money was well used. There was so much demand for money from the Fund. We have even seen how it has benefitted groups. On the other hand, we have also seen those who have misused it and have ended up badly. Since 2014, it has performed poorly. The committee that was appointed was so discouraged. They did not have funds for transport to meetings to vet groups. They were not getting a single cent for meetings. They were looking after millions of ... view
  • 3 Mar 2020 in National Assembly: Thank you. view


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