David Ouma Ochieng'

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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1 to 10 of 2169.

  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Thank you very much. The main intention of this Bill is to repeal the Act and create a new system of governing and managing the provisions of social health in the country. view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: I start by saying that I support this Bill in its current form with amendments that will be provided going forward. I believe this Bill should have started at Clause 4. view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Speaker protect me because I cannot hear myself. If you may, please. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Speaker. I would have imagined that if you wanted a more serious surgery in this sector, the first Clause after Clause 3 would have been a declaration that no public servant would seek medical services from the private sector. I would have wanted a provision that says this Parliament shall not approve a budget of any institution, Judiciary, Executive or Parliament that would take private insurance, and then tell Kenyans to provide social health. However, if you still allow, we parliamentarians have our own medical scheme. Officers in the Judiciary have their own medical scheme too. ... view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: The cost of provision of quality services in this country is terrible. Today you will go to Kenyatta National Hospital and do an X-Ray. But when you visit another doctor with the same X-Ray, you will be told that you have to do another one on the same issue. The same applies to MRI. If, say, you do one at Nairobi Hospital, if you go to Kenyatta National Hospital with the results, you will be told to do another one on the same issue. We will not sort out corruption in this sector, if we do not get our hands ... view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: I was very happy yesterday when I saw the President launching the Health Promotion Framework. That is the way to go. Most of our monies go into treating ailments that could have been prevented much earlier. I request Members of Parliament, the Ministry of Health and county governments to invest more in prevention of diseases and promotion of health. That is the way to go. People in our villages die from simple ailments that could be dealt with through civic education on lifestyle and how to deal with basic healthcare. I have been looking at the issue of transitioning the ... view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Speaker, I beg to report that the Committee of the whole House has considered the Sugar Bill (National Assembly Bill No.34 of 2022) and approved the same with amendments. view
  • 14 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to support the nomination of Mr. Renson Mulele Ingonga as our next DPP. In our country today, you would say that crime pays. We got to a level whereby anything got into our criminal justice system. Our criminal justice system has so many leaks and cracks. You can never know how a case can go even where the facts are very clear. Even where someone has done something that is so clear to the public and at least must be punished, they are never punished. I want to ask Mr. Renson Mulele Ingonga that ... view
  • 14 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I support the Motion and wish Mr. Renson Mulele the best in his new appointment. view
  • 14 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I am a very happy person this evening. This is the beginning of the rejuvenation of the sugar sector in this country; this is the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view


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