26 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir, for giving me the opportunity to support this very important Bill. This is the very first Appropriation Bill for the 11th Parliament. We are very ambitious, but I am happy we have got to the level where we are today. This has been a very participatory process from the Budget-making stage, through the consultations that we have had within the Committees to the Budget and Appropriations Committee process of coming up with this Bill. I wish to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for the work well done, being flexible and responding to, not only ...
26 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
I am a youth and I want to make it very clear to the youth of this country that money has been allocated in this Bill today. This money will only make impact on the lives of the youth if the youths stop crying and do what is necessary. They must form companies and have entities that will enable them access these funds. They will not access these funds by going empty handed and saying that they are youths and therefore, they need this money. I want to advise the youth. If you look at D116, there is a lot ...
19 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am a Member of this Committee and I wish to start by saying that I support this Motion.
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to move the following Motion: THAT, aware that there is an acute and gross shortage of clinical officers and nurses in our hospitals, health centres and dispensaries, which in turn is severely limiting access by Kenyans to basic health care; deeply concerned that most Kenyans continue losing their lives to curable and easily manageable ailments; further concerned that public resources, especially the CDF, have been used to develop a number of facilities which remain non-operational due to lack of personnel; taking into account the need to meet the constitutional right of every Kenyan ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, Kenya is one of the 57 countries globally, and 36 in sub-Saharan Africa, with critical shortage of health workers. For every 1,500 citizens in this country, there are only 2.5 clinical officers and 2.5 nurses. This is a dire situation in respect of which this House must take serious action to ensure that it is addressed. Records show that Kenya has 1.12 nurses per 1,000 people and 0.85 active nurses for every 1,000 people. That means for every 1,000 people, there is no nurse because 0.85 nurses is not a nurse. So, looking at these ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
technicians to be able to barely make our people survive as far as provision of health services is concerned.
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
For the last 10 years, the population of clinical officers and nurses in this country has been dwindling in the public sector. What has brought about this situation? Important of them all has been the inability by the Government, in the guise of lack of resources, to recruit the required numbers. We train these professionals. I move this Motion with a very heavy heart, because we talk about building the capacity of the youth to enable them get jobs, but we do not employ those who have already acquired technical skills. Some of them leave high school at the age ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to move the following Motion:- THAT, aware that there is an acute and gross shortage of clinical officers and nurses in our hospitals, health centres and dispensaries, which in turn is severely limiting access by Kenyans to basic health care; deeply concerned that most Kenyans continue losing their lives to curable and easily manageable ailments; further concerned that public resources, especially the CDF, have been used to develop a number of facilities which remain non-operational due to lack of personnel; taking into account the need to meet the constitutional right of every Kenyan ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, Kenya is one of the 57 countries globally, and 36 in sub-Saharan African, with critical shortage of health workers. For every 1,500 citizens in this country, there are only 2.5 clinical officers and 2.5 nurses. This is a dire situation in respect of which this House must take serious action to ensure that it is addressed. Records show that Kenya has 1.12 nurses per 1,000 people and 0.85 active nurses for every 1,000 people. That means for every 1,000 people, there is no nurse because 0.85 nurses is not a nurse. So, looking at these ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, overall, the Government of Kenya, as we speak has, at least, 3,700 health facilities; these are dispensaries, health centers and hospitals in this country. These include 275 hospitals, 595 health centers and 2,800 dispensaries, some of them not yet opened. I am sure that even in your constituency there are dispensaries that operate half day. They work between nine and midday because the clinical officer who comes there has to go to another facility on the same day. When I was preparing this Motion, I had this discussion with some clinical officers and some doctors; ...