12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
There are some areas like in Pokot and a particular area in Mandera, where the clinical officer there last month broke down because he was the sole clinical officer; he had to work during the day and at night when there were emergencies. He had to work all through. So, this person has to be withdrawn from Mandera to Nairobi for counseling. When that happens, there is nobody to attend to the sick in that part of the country. Most The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
importantly, as we try to absorb personnel and try to equip our health facilities in this country, one major thing that runs through our health sector is lack of equity, or fairness in the way we deploy our medical personnel.
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Just to give you a glimpse of what is happening in the country today, Siaya County, where I come from, its population is the same as that of Busia, Homa Bay and Kericho, but if I tell you the number of nurses in Siaya County today, you will be shocked. In the whole county that has Rarieda, Alego Usoga, Bondo, Gem and Ugenya constituencies we have a paltry 164 nurses, but across the road in Busia we have 387 nurses. We have 164 nurses yet if you move to the next county of Bungoma, we have 637 nurses. If you ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
not be making decisions in vain. This is not a baraza, or a high school debating club. It is a decision making organ of this country and when we make decisions, let them be carried through; let them be implemented. That is why I am saying that the Government should move swiftly to employ 12,000 clinical officers and 5,000 nurses within this year. These must be deployed equitably to the counties. I have heard people saying that health services are now a responsibility of the counties. Nothing could be further from the truth. Health financing remains a sacrosanct duty of ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I would like to donate a minute each to Hon. Munuve and the hon. Member over there; a minute to that hon. Member, a minute to that other hon. Member and a minute to Hon. Mule.
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I am sorry because of my colleagues who may not have contributed to this Motion. Hon. Members have contributed to this Motion for the last three hours and it is not possible for everyone to contribute to it even within the 10 minutes I have donated. However, I want to thank every Member of this Parliament who has supported it. The Constitution provides the right to health. I want to make it very clear that the Constitution that we have now does not bar the national Government from employing health officers. In fact, there is nothing ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
I would like to thank the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Health for what she raised. We must realize that the power of making the Budget is now in the hands of this august House. We cannot say that we do not have money. We can allocate and re- allocate to ensure that what we seek to do, as a Parliament, comes to pass. What we want done to this Motion does not require a Bill. We are talking about a one-off employment. I do not think that a Bill is suitable for that kind of thing. We want ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
That, aware that there is an acute and gross shortage of clinical officers and nurses in hospitals, health centres and dispensaries which, in turn, is severely limiting access by Kenyans to basic health care; deeply concerned that most Kenyans continue losing their lives to curable and easily manageable ailments; further concerned that public resources, especially the CDF, has been used to develop a number of facilities which remain non- operational due to lack of personnel; taking into account the need to meet the constitutional right of every Kenyan citizen to adequate health care, further noting that public resources have been ...
12 Jun 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I would like to donate a minute each to hon. Munuve and the hon. Member over there; a minute to that hon. Member, a minute to that other hon. Member and a minute to hon. Mule.