Hassan Omar

Full name

Hassan Omar Hassan Sarai


23rd October 1975


The Director
The Senatorial Campaign Secretariat
P.O. Box 81168 - 80100









All parliamentary appearances

Entries 51 to 60 of 892.

  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, absolutely! I will not delve further into that point. It is just to pity Sen. Sang who misguided himself on account of what he has read or insinuated. On this salient point, when the tools of State coercion are littered all over Parliament, it sends an extremely negative signal. If the National Assembly is meeting, let them do it. For the sake of this Senate, let there be no police presence. Senators are friends irrespective of whether they are adversaries in their political terms. It is wrong and immoral for the police to barricade the road to ... view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: What message are you sending when I see images of police barricade? Why do police need to be in Parliament? Mr. Speaker, Sir, can you order that so that we come back? Kenya is not about to be a police state. view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: On a point of information, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, --- view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. The Senate, as we say, is a House of records. The record is extremely stubborn. Sometimes we must also not appear to renege on every undertakings that this Senate has taken upon itself. Just before we proceeded for the recess, I recall, in the most casual and arbitrary manner, the National Assembly torpedoed the regulations that would have led to the establishment of the Senate Oversight Fund. We came to this Senate and the Senate Majority Leader, Sen. (Prof.) Kindiki, led the charge and even asked that we suspend all business from ... view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: We must live by the tenets upon which we agree on. The Senate cannot be ridiculed. Do not convene us on a Special Sitting when we have just worked so hard to destroy this Senate. No Senator here can do any oversight or business for the last four years. Constantly you convene us in December holidays. Some of us have young families and we suspend our itinerary to be here to defend the country and ourselves from ridicule. I urge you at this point in time for us to exercise an input that the business of that oversight fund be ... view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, if there was ever one monumental moment for this Senate, it is today. This is even greater than any impeachment process we have had. We have had these proceedings in a manner that restores extraordinary national faith in this House. The potential of what we will do on 4th potentially can impeach this country. What happened today is what Sen. Wetangula said; that it where we seek good men and women for that matter. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere said; Watu wema wako meaning, good people are there. All we need as a nation is to continue seeking good ... view
  • 28 Dec 2016 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. My brother, Sen. Khaniri, is a stickler of procedure. Standing Order No. 77 (5) says:- “When called out, each Senator shall, there upon rise in his or her place and declare assent or dissent to the question in the following manner: “I vote Yes view
  • 23 Nov 2016 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. We have watched the proceedings in the National Assembly and some of the Members vehemently supported. Members like Hon. Wandayi and Hon. Midiwo who are members of CORD. The responsibility in the National Assembly is that they are people who refuse to grow up to see what this Senate is supposed to do. view
  • 23 Nov 2016 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, thank you for this opportunity. I want to add my voice to this very important debate. When all these issues started, we were told time and again that this is sibling rivalry. We accepted it at the very beginning that it was sibling rivalry because all of us either we were being born or reborn in the framework of a new Constitution. We are at a situation where one of the siblings continues to refuse to grow up. It cannot be sibling rivalry throughout. There is a point at which you must cut these issues and start ... view


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