29 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
You can tell he is a philosopher by the beard he has. It means a lot in our culture.
29 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
The gist of that philosophy of utilitarianism is that the best action is the action that derives the greater good for the greatest number of people. This is what this Bill seeks to streamline and to achieve. Indeed, there have been cases where for the greater good of the public, land belonging to one individual or a specific community might need to be acquired by an agency of the Government whether the national Government or the county government, so that more than just the people in that specific piece of land benefit. This happens the world over, but in Kenya, ...
29 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). We will need to have a Mass Transit System of light trains and even heavy trains in certain areas. There are certain roads around the city where we need to create train stations. That will require compulsory acquisition of that land, but then, there has to be a mechanism through which these people are compensated in a predictable and fair manner. In this city, you will need to have single bus lanes and special lanes for public transport as you streamline the sector. The only public thing about transport in Kenya is the passengers ...
29 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
in as much as it might temporarily set you back as an individual, in the case where it is land being acquired, it is for the greater good of this country. This country stands at the cusp of greatness and we must support development, not just look at our individual interests.
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I beg to move that the Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, National Assembly No. 13 of 2016 be now read a Second Time. This Bill comes as a result of the Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity’s work around areas where cattle rustling has been prone in our country. Cattle rustling has been an issue that has often been viewed within the context of legitimising tradition, climate change and resource conflict. Increasingly, it was much more to do with organised crimes. There is a rising demand for meat products and attendant political violence that ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I beg to move that the Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, National Assembly No. 13 of 2016 be now read a Second Time. This Bill comes as a result of the Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity’s work around areas where cattle rustling has been prone in our country. Cattle rustling has been an issue that has often been viewed within the context of legitimising tradition, climate change and resource conflict. Increasingly, it was much more to do with organised crimes. There is a rising demand for meat products and attendant political violence that ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
put a stop to this. I was giving an example the other day of what cattle rustling is. If your car is forcibly taken away from you by thugs at gun point and then they kill you, would we call it vehicle rustling? That is not vehicle rustling. It is murder. It is theft. That is how we must look at this issue of cattle rustling. Clause 2 seeks to amend Section 4 of the Penal Code Cap. 63 to insert the definitions of “livestock” and “livestock produce” in a much more exhaustive manner than what was described before. The ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
put a stop to this. I was giving an example the other day of what cattle rustling is. If your car is forcibly taken away from you by thugs at gun point and then they kill you, would we call it vehicle rustling? That is not vehicle rustling. It is murder. It is theft. That is how we must look at this issue of cattle rustling. Clause 2 seeks to amend Section 4 of the Penal Code Cap. 63 to insert the definitions of “livestock” and “livestock produce” in a much more exhaustive manner than what was described before. The ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
experience not in rustling, but in what happens when this goes on in his area. He will tell you the untold stories. All permits will be in triplicate. The original one will be for the applicant, the second one to the officers that are required. Further, the holder of the permit for the movement is placed under obligation to ensure that a person whom he places in charge of the cattle holds the permit at all times and there is no excuse for not having this permit or a copy of it. Clause 7 effects a consequential amendment to the ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
experience not in rustling, but in what happens when this goes on in his area. He will tell you the untold stories. All permits will be in triplicate. The original one will be for the applicant, the second one to the officers that are required. Further, the holder of the permit for the movement is placed under obligation to ensure that a person whom he places in charge of the cattle holds the permit at all times and there is no excuse for not having this permit or a copy of it. Clause 7 effects a consequential amendment to the ...