Joseph Nkaissery

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

Full name

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery


28th November 1949


P.O. Box 53443, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 241 to 250 of 1132.

  • 25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was concluding by saying that this is a very noble Motion. However, this House cannot pass a Motion to arm civilians. This House must pass a Motion to employ more security personnel to provide security in the cattle rustling prone counties. That is what I am saying. You will realise that we have a problem of clan wars or misunderstandings. How will you control those people if you give them arms? Instead, we can employ more policemen to provide security in those areas. view
  • 25 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, why should you allow this man to mislead Kenyans? Hon. Shill should know that a KPR is a civilian, because he is not a policeman or an army man. He is a civilian. It is just a title they have been given, “Kenya Police Reservists”. I would like us to have a proper terminology in this discussion. I want the Chair to be serious on this. This House is passing a Motion that proposes giving of automatic weapons to civilians. This is my problem. We can employ more policemen and Administration Police officers to provide security in ... view
  • 19 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Speaker. view
  • 19 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, on the 11th of this month, hon. Kamama spoke passionately on the issue of security, in the presence of the Commander- In-Chief of the Armed Forces. He spoke on the same issue about which the hon. Member has just requested for a Statement. Hon. Speaker, you actually moderate in that seat. There is nothing that the hon. Member is going to tell the committee because he is not a bandit. The simplest thing for hon. Kamama to do is demanding an explanation from the Inspector-General, who has people on the ground, including County Commissioners, who are responsible for ... view
  • 19 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, you heard the hon. Member for Nyakach this afternoon, requesting for a similar Statement. We are pushing this matter forward to a week or two days yet it is a matter to do with lives of people. We have people on the ground. We must demand that they provide an answer. Security is a 24-hour business. I do not agree with my friend, hon. Munuve. I think he is inciting Kenyans. It is not fair for him to say that he The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this ... view
  • 19 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: can go to the market place and buy a gun because we have security apparatus in place, which can defend the citizens of this country. So, I want hon. Kamama to demand that Mr. Ole Lenku and Mr. Kimaiyo explain what is happening in Kitui and Nyakach, because we must stop the business of banditry. view
  • 19 Sep 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker. view
  • 6 Aug 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. We will consider the matter, but we cannot bring some issues that are not true about the defence forces of the Republic of Kenya, based on another country’s interest. At the same time, we have no report from the United Nations. It is only recently---. view
  • 6 Aug 2013 in National Assembly: I want to explain a point. Only the other day, our Commander-in-Chief was in Kampala discussing the issue of AMISOM, which KDF is part of. The hon. Member has specifically said he has a report from the United Nations. I would like him to table that report to the Committee so that we can consider it. If what the hon. Member is alleging is untrue, sanctions should be taken against him, for bringing disrepute to KDF. Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. view
  • 6 Aug 2013 in National Assembly: ( Applause ) view


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