Joseph Nkaissery

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

Full name

Joseph Kasaine Ole Nkaissery


28th November 1949


P.O. Box 53443, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







All parliamentary appearances

Entries 251 to 260 of 1132.

  • 6 Aug 2013 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 30 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. I also stand to support this Motion. I want to point out a few issues here. This Parliament is being blamed for no reason at all. An institution like CIC, which is mandated by the law to meet deadlines with regard to the Bills, is the one that is failing this country. That Commission needs to be censured. Secondly, CIOC has also failed four months down the line. That is because when you look at the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution, there are certain Bills which require to be tabled in Parliament based on a ... view
  • 24 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Deputy Speaker. In leadership, one of the most important principles is flexibility. This is a security issue; the Statement is in the House and research has been done. In the pecking order, the Leader of Majority Party is senior to the chairperson and the chairperson cannot come and challenge a Statement by the Leader of Majority Party; the people of Mwala are waiting for this Statement. I want to plead with you that flexibility is a principle of leadership. Let the Leader of Majority Party deliver a Statement for the benefit of the people ... view
  • 3 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. In doing so, I commend the Mover for bringing a very important Motion before this House. Disasters destroy the economy and peoples’ livelihoods. So, a view
  • 2 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I also stand to support this Motion. Mr. Njee Muturi is a fine individual, a young dynamic Kenyan, who meets the criteria for the office that he has been nominated to. I have known Mr. Njee Muturi for over ten years, and I know that he is a man of integrity. He is a man who meets all the requirements for this office. He was a Personal Assistant to the former Leader of the Official Opposition, when I was in the Opposition. So, he is a good manager. He is a person who can manage the State Law ... view
  • 2 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Any fine Kenyan should not wait for the tyranny of numbers to arrive. I was telling my friend here that this is a fine Kenyan, and we do not have to wait for these guys, so that we can approve his name; any good Kenyan must get the good job. view
  • 2 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I support. view
  • 27 Jun 2013 in National Assembly: On a point of order, hon. Chairlady. view
  • 20 Jun 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. I stand to support the Motion; we have heard that there are very many reports which are going to be submitted on that particular day. These reports concern the way the Government will be run and so it is very important for us to approve this Motion, and so that we can conduct the affairs of this nation in the most appropriate way. view
  • 20 Jun 2013 in National Assembly: I support hon. Speaker, Sir. Thank you. view


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