1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services,Senate.
1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
(2) clarify whether the Government has any plans to halt further rollout of the UHC or terminate it;
1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
(3) outline measures in place to improve health infrastructure, human resources, capacity in the health sector and accreditation of health facilities across the country;
1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
(4) state plans in place, if any, to strengthen health information management systems to support data driven decision-making and monitoring of UHC implementation; and,
1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
(5) explain measures put in place to expand the coverage and benefits provided by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to ensure a more comprehensive and accessible healthcare system, and spell out strategies in place to enhance proper governance, transparency and accountability in the implementation of the UHC.
1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
On a point of order Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
1 Aug 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I rise under Standing Order No.41 on lack of quorum. If I may read it:- “If at one time in the course of the proceedings of the Senate, a Senator objects that there is no---”
20 Jun 2023 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. I appreciate all the Members who responded to my Motion, especially led by Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale. It is a Motion that we all hold dearly regarding the state of mind of police officers. I am looking forward to this Motion going through, so that issues that the police have been holding can be looked into. I appreciate everyone who contributed to this Motion. I have taken all their feedback seriously and I am going to work on them. I am done with the discussions on this Bill. Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to reply.
7 Jun 2023 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Sir. I also rise, to condole with the Senate family; the Clerk, Deputy Clerk, you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, colleagues, directors and everyone else. Death is inevitable, but how cruel it seems at times. It is unfortunate that we have lost Mrs. Marya. I used to joke with her; I used to call her Madam Abuju Buju and also called her Madam Motion. It is really unfortunate and on behalf of Kenya Women Senators Association (KEWOSA) tunasema pole sana. Sen. Mumma and I managed to go to Lee Funeral Home and join our colleagues. We met the ...