26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
Thank you, Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr.
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
Order, Senators! Proceed, Sen. Cheruiyot.
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
You have run out of time, but I will give you one more minute. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
What is it, Sen. Shiyonga?
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
What did he say about BBI? There is nothing bad with BBI. What did he say in particular? Did he disparage any Senator? What did he say about BBI?
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
Let the matter die there. Order, Members! Thank you, Sen. Cheruiyot. Sen. Omogeni is not here, so the position will be taken by his neighbour, the Senator of Kisii.
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
The Chair has to balance so many things; political parties, gender and regional balance. Not the neighbour in the House, the territorial neighbour. Sen. (Prof.) Ongeri.
26 Feb 2020 in Senate:
Thank you, Sen. Shiyonga. Proceed, Sen. (Dr.) Milgo.