Lilian Achieng Gogo

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions



All parliamentary appearances

Entries 161 to 170 of 180.

  • 28 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: knowledge and experience having served in various institutions and organisations across the country and notably this particular nominee served well for so many years in the banking sector. This is very important because many times very few people serve for over 25 years in various capacities in banking and it gave this particular nominee a very good credit. That, the nominee exhibited expressive knowledge on topical issues in the East African affairs and generally in addition to the Northern Corridor Development. She went out of her way to prepare for this particular vetting and gave a very good presentation. In ... view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I would like to make a brief contribution on the IPU Report, but substantively I wanted to contribute on the ACP-EU Report. view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: I laud this kind of arrangement. This country should join as many international associations as is possible. They make Kenya visible. Apart from that, I applaud the Member who moved the Report. He encouraged Members that once they are given an opportunity to go to such meetings, they should yearn to take responsible positions by sitting in committees and playing international roles. A platform like the IPU is good for Members to expose themselves and see what people are doing out there. When you are around, you would think that your mother cooks the best food, but when you go ... view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: It is a golden opportunity for the Office of the Speaker to be giving opportunities to Members to travel abroad and even invite other nations to come to Kenya on inter-parliamentary exchange. view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: With those few remarks, I wait to make my contribution on the Report on ACP-EU. I support the participation of this Parliament in IPU. view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is an honour because you have given me another opportunity to make my contribution to this particular Motion. I want to thank the Speaker and the leadership of the House for giving me an opportunity to have hands- The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: on experience at the ACP-EU conference both in Brussels and in Port-au-Prince in Haiti. I would also want to thank the Leader of Delegation for bringing this Report to the House on time. This is a very current Report because these were the happenings in December last year. We have brought the Report now and that is very good. view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: The ACP-EU is a very good platform and for Kenya to be part of it, that is a noble course. What is discussed there is, indeed, very rich and enhances the international and regional participation of this country. For MPs, it is a good exposure. It is important for us to be part of the Economic Partnership Agreements. Allow me to take congisance of the idea that the Cotonou Agreement is coming to an end. I stand here to inform and urge all those who are involved that Kenya should position itself very well. It is so that we have ... view
  • 13 Mar 2018 in National Assembly: Allow me at this juncture to mention two senior members of this noble House. I want to mention Hon. Musikari Kombo and the current governor of Bomet, Dr. Joyce Laboso, who have co-chaired activities at ACP-EU. I bring to your attention a proposal that was made to have these people join the group of eminent persons from the ACP-EU countries and also the EU. We should have a system that recognises the contribution of Members of Parliament when they go there. Looking at the work that these Members did, that enabled them to rise to the level of co- chairs, ... view


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