Lilian Achieng Gogo

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions



All parliamentary appearances

Entries 141 to 150 of 180.

  • 4 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: This is a very important piece of legislation. The amendments are very critical, especially at this time. I laud the Member who seconded the Bill. She articulated very well the Land Acquisition Tribunal and roped in the idea of the number of cases of land that are clogged in courts. If we were to have a very well-structured Land Acquisition Tribunal to handle certain cases, it would bring down the number of cases that are taken to courts. This would be a step in the right direction. view
  • 4 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: There was an element of looking at value for value. When the Government acquires land, it should look for alternative compensations. Other than monetary compensation, there are alternative means of compensation for land that can be given and that would be based on The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 4 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: comparing of values. But it is important that at times, when the Government acquires land that is of lesser value, it should also compensate with land that is of higher value, especially when considering the spirit of the Big Four Agenda that will drive the country forward. It is a pleasure to have been given an opportunity to contribute. With those few remarks, I support the Bill. view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you very much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. It has been a long wait. I was here early, but my card did not work. However, I am glad I am now finally home. I rise to support the Bill. It is a very good Bill because it touches on the elderly. The Constitution emphasises on family systems and family life. If we look at the whole array from the children to the elderly, and mainly the elderly especially the retired, then it is a good sign and direction for our country. view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: I thank the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning for coming up with the Bill, which is well-structured. The management of the suggested scheme is well done and researched. However, I want to make some contribution in the time that is left. We are left with just a few minutes for the rest of us to speak. The main issue about retirement schemes is not about the way they are administered. Of course, we have corruption that we are dealing with, but there is an element that we need to take care of that is equally important and that ... view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: benefits before reaching the mandatory retirement age. So, I bring in the element of capacity building to empower the retirees. This should also be included as part of the Bill. view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: I also want to emphasise the need to look at the term ‘sponsor”. It has already been mentioned by the Member for Suba South. It needs to be replaced by another term because sponsor in Kenya means very many things. view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: We also need to look at supportive systems. As it is now, the NG-CDF is mainly restricted for education and security. But we could put a bit of it on social security especially for the elderly. We could have an allocation of the NG-CDF to the elderly, so that apart from the money they get from the retirement scheme, an amount of the NG-CDF takes care of them. It will not discriminate from county or national Government. People who retire will end up in our constituencies whether they were employed by the national Government or county governments. So, as much ... view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: Another thing that should come up clearly in the Bill is that from the training, we could include an element to make the retirees community elders who are trained to take care of the communities. They should not be dumped to go and use their retirement benefits. If we give the issue this dimension, I believe the retirees are going to appreciate themselves and be useful members of the society. What kills most of our retirees, both from the national Government and county governments is not lack of a source of income or lack of a source of sustenance, but ... view
  • 3 Jul 2018 in National Assembly: I support the Bill. It is a good Bill for our country. I urge both men and women to get off the system of using all their retirement money. Of course, they may want to have families for whatever reason at whatever age, but if they would restrict its usage and dedicate it to take care of themselves in old age, it would give them better benefits than using it to start family systems at that age. view


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