15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
I request that as much as we may not, as a country, put specialised medical personnel by way of obstetricians and gynaecologist in every sub county hospital, we should have a system that reviews, probably on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, so that we give attention to this problem that affects women.
15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
A part from that, I would like to emphasise on education. Whenever this happens, women shy away. They do not want to be assisted. They lock up themselves in their rooms. It is a medical condition like any other. They should come out for help. I am sure that help will be given.
15 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
With those many remarks, I support.
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you so much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is an honour to contribute to this Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill of 2018. It is an honour and pleasure to make contribution to the amendments to the Registrar of Persons Act. I rise to support the Second Reading of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill of 2018. However, I seek a clarification from the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security on whether the Committee ever discussed the proposed amendments to the Registrar of Persons Act of Chapter 109 of the Laws of Kenya.
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
Looking at the amendment, allow me to state that the amendment seeks to ensure that the citizens of Kenya are registered. Therefore, the proposals among other things, is to establish a national integrated identity management system which will be a good thing for the country and the House. You will also agree with me that any country requires a proper registration of its population. This is good for the current and future economic planning and for the statistics and monitoring of national security.
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
When I look at the amendment closely, I have concerns with the right to privacy and security of Kenyans among other portions of the amendment. In particular, the proposed amendment to Section 3 of the Registration of Persons Act, if passed, this is going to interfere with the privacy of Kenyans. It is important that the traditional way of identifying Kenyans like using certain constants like the fingerprints do not change. But the amendments that are proposed want to use indices for the identification of Kenyans. For example, there are proposals to use earlobes, retina and iris patterns and provide ...
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
Thank you so much, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is an honour to contribute to this Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill of 2018. It is an honour and pleasure to make contribution to the amendments to the Registrar of Persons Act. I rise to support the Second Reading of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill of 2018. However, I seek a clarification from the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security on whether the Committee ever discussed the proposed amendments to the Registrar of Persons Act of Chapter 109 of the Laws of Kenya.
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
about this particular amendment. Why do we not use other methods of identification? Using the number of teeth as a way of identification also will keep changing. When it comes to the African culture, the ear is a very sensitive part. This particular amendment should be proposed such that these methods are used as modes of identification of Kenyans.
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
Looking at the amendment, allow me to state that the amendment seeks to ensure that the citizens of Kenya are registered. Therefore, the proposals among other things, is to establish a national integrated identity management system which will be a good thing for the country and the House. You will also agree with me that any country requires a proper registration of its population. This is good for the current and future economic planning and for the statistics and monitoring of national security. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposes only. Acertified version of this ...
7 Aug 2018 in National Assembly:
If we look at the GPS locations of residences, our residences keep changing. I could be in Rangwe and I have another residence in Homa Bay and another one in Nairobi or Mombasa, which one will be used for identifying me. So, as much as I support this amendment, I think it requires attention. I also want to look at the amendment on the Traffic Act, Chapter 403. If we look at Section 8 Part II, it says: “….any person who issues motor vehicle insurance cover to a person other the registered owner…” This is a very nice piece of ...