8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
There is also a noble intention by this Bill to streamline the governance framework for health-related institutions, so that there is perfection in their operations to deliver Universal Health Coverage (UHC). If governance is anchored in law the way it is brought out by this Bill, then it makes the operations of this particular system smooth, efficient and effective and in a way that serves Kenyans in a better way. Anything that touches on what Hon. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is doing needs to be supported. This particular UHC has been rolled out in other nations and it has worked. We ...
8 Feb 2022 in National Assembly:
With those very many remarks, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I support the Bill. Thank you.
1 Dec 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Interesting times, happenings and hearings. They say that they will use it for 2022. I should think that the Handshake has run away with it because when we get to a point where Hon. Duale is talking about having been together, there has been quite a bit of a mix-up. I take this opportunity to thank President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta for his well-articulated National Address on what he has done over eight years. Before I contribute to what transpired yesterday, I take this opportunity to thank Hon. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta as the President of the Republic ...
1 Dec 2021 in National Assembly:
We need to consult in lower tones. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
1 Dec 2021 in National Assembly:
When a man does a good job, he expresses what he has done with a lot of ease. Even the way he was delivering his Speech yesterday, I have never seen such a happy and calm President. I have never seen His Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta in his warmest demeanour. He was very relaxed because he knows that he has done a good job in the backdrop of destruction and noise about him not working. He delivered his Speech by saying: This is what I have done in 10 years. He talked about what he has done to reform our ...
23 Nov 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to this very important Bill. I rise to support it because it provides for additional allocations to our counties. Any additional allocations that provide for the responsibilities of the national Government and county governments are of pertinent concern to devolution. If we are to make devolution thrive, we must provide funds for it to work. Often times, we have heard that our counties are starved of resources, yet we expect services to be provided and The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for ...
23 Nov 2021 in National Assembly:
work to be done. There is enough bureaucracy in funds getting to our counties. Generally, given the ceilings, allocations from the national Government are low. When you work at the grassroots, you realise that as much as counties want to discharge their responsibilities to the people of Kenya, there is generally no money. If it is there, it is way below what is expected for counties. As has earlier been indicated by my colleagues, it is these counties that are at the grassroots that meet with people where the rubber meets the road. So, anything that touches on increasing funds ...
17 Nov 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this very important Bill. I rise to support the Bill for the simple reason that it touches on people who operate mainly at the grassroots. It gives a legal framework under which the management, organisational structure and the framework of running these particular community-based organisations will be anchored in law. Anything that is anchored in law lasts for as long as it is of use to the community. I support this particular Bill because it touches on the very common mwananchi, the minds of Kenyans and ...
10 Nov 2021 in National Assembly:
Thank you so much, Hon. Deputy Speaker, for giving me this chance. I rise to support this Bill. Not to belabour what my colleagues have said, it is important for us to have this Bill passed. It is very good. When it comes to seeking clearance from relevant authorities, we want to know the history of the kind of people that we are getting into the job market. Clearance also has an element of integrity in it. We are also interested in the competencies, exposure and experience of the persons we intend to employ. So I support that when employers ...
10 Nov 2021 in National Assembly:
have systems that are efficient enough to process the clearances fast enough to take away anxiety from those seeking employment. Upon granting employment, it is also necessary that employers do background checks. People are normally put on probation. So, it is still important that employers do background checks on employees. In the house labour market, at times we employ people who turn out to be adversaries. Some background check would help in mitigating the many evils that we see happening in our houses. There have also been situations where those employed in the technology sector end up using their knowledge ...